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    2018 Hoax management
    Another year, another anniversary of the psy-op/drill where #NDNGH
    Who’s being pushed into the spotlight to keep the lie alive?

    Cue Michael Henning who thinks about it [the lie] every single day
    still suffers anxiety from reliving the attack 13 years on.
    On the eve of the anniversary of the atrocity, Michael Henning told how he finds it difficult to cope as images of the aftermath of the blast on a Tube train near Aldgate flash through his mind.
    Last May, Tony Walter, who survived the Edgware Road bomb, was found dead, with friends saying he had taken his life hours after the Manchester Arena bombing.

    Mr Henning will spend the day at his home in Sussex with his girlfriend. He said: “I used to go to the anniversary event in Hyde Park but this year I’m keeping it quiet.
    I took this week off work as it felt a bit heavy this year.”

    suuuure, that difficult 13th anniversary….

    These are the phony crisis actor images which flash through my mind

    As he said at the phoney inquest, five years later…
    “It feels completely real to me now as I speak.

    Here’s a video from 2015, Michael’s “hellish journey”
    “What is this, what is this?” he says
    Answer – it was a drill. And Michael was straight onto the BBC outside the London Hospital with his story for the morning of 8/7/2005

    His BS inquest story is here, p 44 onwards

    not long after we set out all I saw was yellow light and what appeared to be silver lines in front of my eyes – which turned out to be the glass.

    In fact Henning seems to have the best 7/7 memory contract of the lot, here he was in 2006
    There were no medical supplies to be used and people were improvising with ties and belts, with little medical experience.

    Ah yes, the old tourniquet lark. What a disgrace the emergency services must have been!
    A lifetime actor.

    Henning’s story is inextricably linked with one allegedl lawyer “Melanie Jane O’Dell” who allegedly accompanied him with his “injuries” while she was making an absurdly roundabout journey from Maidenhead to Paddington…
    It smells like BS, with a huge contradiction in the narrative.

    • This reply was modified 6 years ago by xileffilexxileffilex.
    • This reply was modified 6 years ago by xileffilexxileffilex.
    • This reply was modified 6 years ago by xileffilexxileffilex.

    Actually it was Melanie Odell, not O’Dell as erroniously reported at the Inquest.
    She may normally have been commuting from Cookham, near Maidenhead to the Tower Bridge area
    Melanie Jane Odell
    Solicitor Admitted as a solicitor: 17/02/92

    Associate, the West of England marine insurers

    Here’s Mr Henning being taken over the jumps by his QC in 2010 [just say yes, Mr Henning…]
    QC – You were able, when you reached the platform level, to phone your girlfriend.
    Melanie O’Dell, the lady who accompanied you out, lent you her phone or she made the call for you, and I think you were then treated, a large amount of glass was taken out of your face and your arm, your right-hand side, and you described to the police how you were extremely shaken and nervous as a result, understandably, of the terrible events inside the tunnel, and off work for a while. But you rallied and you gave evidence subsequently to the London Assembly in the same way that you have told us?
    A. Yes, that’s right.

    Melanie is no longer part of Henning’s script.

    Here’s Melanie being taken over the jumps
    9 QC. I think after Liverpool Street, you were just leaning forward to get something out of your bag when there was a very loud bang

    A. I started coughing and leant forward to get some water out of my laptop bag and, as I leant forward, there was like a blinding flash and a bang and I just put my head over — my hands on my head and kept down, and then loads of glass — like small pieces of glass kept flying in — at one point it was like somebody was standing there throwing glass, because it came in pulses, and I just kept my head down, covered.

    hero alert….
    Q.C. Did you take a little time to calm people around you and to try to impose some modicum of order on the people around you?
    Melanie – Yes, I was surprisingly vocal. You never know how you’re going to react in that sort of situation, but I was — yes, quite loud.
    Q.C, And it worked?
    A. Yes, there was myself and another girl.
    Q.C. There was, I think, we’ve heard evidence, one man with a head injury, Mr Henning, Michael Henning, you knew him as Michael at the time?
    A. Yes.

    Q. Now, you prepared, in fact, a second witness statement for the police. You had done one for them long back, way back in July 2005, but in August 2010, you prepared another statement, at the request of my Lady [Hallett] in fact,

    Her memory returns 5 years down the line….how helpful.. and a time confirmation to help with the narrative.

    Melanie – Well, I know the bomb went off at ten to [viz 8.50], because I had just checked my watch because I was late for work, so I was worried about being late for work, and I know, by the time we got up to Aldgate, it was about 25 to,
    because I know I phoned my mother bang on quarter to and I phoned my colleague at work.

    Very kind, ringing one’s mother to keep her in the picture.

    Q.C. Did you take Mr Henning with you, in fact, towards the rear of the train as well?
    A. Yes, he wanted me to hold his hand and he wanted me to stay — he asked me to stay with him.
    Q.C And so obviously, because he was injured, you did so?
    A. Mm…

    and then Melanie invokes Ross who wasn’t even on the train. Whoops.

    Not much on Melanie’s fb page
    or anywhere else for that matter, seems like she doesn’t want to dwell on being the angel of mercy at Aldgate…


    Another who has gone “underground” since the inquiry was the heroic driver [of one year’s experience] of the Aldgate underground train, Timothy Batkin.

    hmmm interesting tube train driver, whose father is a military historian

    Batkin’s train in the drill. He had worked elsewhere on London Underground for 5 years previous to becoming a driver, area not disclosed.

    ‘When the first passengers…reached me I could see their faces were blackened with soot and dirt and bloodied. And their clothes were torn and shredded.’
    Ah yes, the transparent crisis actor routine.

    Naturally, the train radio was damaged in the explosion, so he had to resort to his own cellphone.
    Desperate to raise the alarm, Mr Batkin opened his cab door into the carriage and asked terrified passengers if any of their mobile phones were working.
    It was at this point that he realised his own mobile phone had a signal and he was able to called the control room.
    Before making the call, Mr Batkin, 37, had rubbed together two copper wires running along the Tube tunnel wall to shut off the power so passengers could escape.

    Giving evidence to the inquest into the London bombings at the High Court yesterday, Mr Batkin told how he jumped out of the driver’s cab and ushered up to 500 passengers to Aldgate station.
    ‘I remember people crying out for help,’ he said. ‘It was a chilling, haunting cry for help – something which still makes my blood run cold when I think about hearing it.

    The Inquest transcript of Batkin’s evidence is here, p.57 et seq.

    To support the narrative, Batkin’s alleged personal cellphone call bill was produced for the inquest

    Click to access INQ9800-2.pdf

    Fascinating! The point was to show he called, allegedly, his line manager Ayo Puddicombe at 8.51 AM from “Central London”.
    Interestingly, we see several calls to VBletchingdon, Oxfordshire at various times of the day, which seems to be where one of his younger sisters lives, who married in 1997.
    So, a 32 year old man with a girlfriend, allegedly, is in constant touch with a married sister or brother-in-law who lives in the Bletchingdon area, Kidlington. Rrrright.
    And our tube driver is a friend of the local school….
    We currently have 2 friends:

    Sean Brogan Tim Batkin

    Both villages are very close to Weston-on-the-Green where Sarah Batkin is head chef at an antiques centre restaurant

    • This reply was modified 6 years ago by xileffilexxileffilex.

    Let’s have a quick look at the absurd story of “Tony Walters” [occasionally referred to as Walter]
    His name only popped up at the inquest as a prepared statement. His full name was not supplied
    I received bruising in my feet and lower right leg. I remember feeling that I was being electrocuted from my feet up. When I looked at the damaged area, I could see a large hole in the front of the train.

    suuuure, even if he existed.

    John Pritchard, his boss at Legal 500, told devastated colleagues of the suspected suicide on Thursday. He said: “It is with great sadness that I have to tell you that Tony has ­committed suicide.
    “The police attended this morning to tell us that Tony took his life.


    which is all the more strange since there had been no autopsy at that time
    Friends believe the Manchester bombing, coupled with the Westminster attack in March when four people were killed by Khalid Masood, brought back traumatic memories of 7/7 and Tony could not cope…“Everyone that knew Tony believes he is the 23rd victim of the Manchester Arena attack.
    “Suicide bomber Salman Abedi is responsible for Tony taking his life as well as those he killed.”

    Tony’s sister-in-law Sheila Walters said: “It’s a tragedy and we’re devastated. Tony was such a lovely man.”

    A fellow survivor of the 7/7 attacks has told The Sun of his shock at learning of Tony’s death.
    Dan Biddle, 38, was on the same carriage when the Edgware station bomb went off, taking both of his legs, his spleen and his left eye.
    He said the Manchester bombing also brought back memories of his own struggle with suicidal thoughts.

    So far we find no probate for a “Tony Walter or Walters” who allegedly died on or around May 23 2017.

    However, at the Legal 500 / GC Powerlist we find the briefest of mentions…
    RIP Tony Walters
    9/12/1964 – 24/5/2017


    • This reply was modified 6 years ago by xileffilexxileffilex.

    I highlighted the activites of “7/7 survivor” Sajda Mughal in the Jo Cox thread on account of her [joing, along with Brendan Cox and others’] stewardship of the sudden arrival on the gatekeeping/hoax management organisational block, Survivors against Terror

    Sajda is a frequent rent-a-quote on the MSM, e.g. after the fake and absurd Westminster Bridge vehicle and knife attack of 3/22 2017.
    But when did her 7/7 memory “emerge”
    I can find no earlier “recollection” than on the 5th anniversary in 2010, notably in Eastern Eye newspaper
    The JAN link is not archived.
    We commemorate 7 July bombings
    Wednesday, 7 July 2010

    However the outpourings in 2011 are also unfortunately not captured but internet traces remain –

    and at JAN Trust, of which she is now CEO, and a recent recipient of the Order of the British Empire, and “countering extremism expert”
    JAN Trust was formed in 1991 as “Jamait al Nissa” – “women’s group” in Arabic.

    The earliest I can find MughalOBE hitting the global news stands is 2013, in the Mirror, where the story about not getting the usual train is recounted.
    and again in the ever faithful [to the official narrative] “liberal” Guardian in 2015
    and most recently in 2018, allowing the recital for the nth time of her “7/7 survival story”

    A terrorist tried kill to me but I do not want the death penalty for extremists

    Here’s the JAN video also from 2015

    and again in 2017 – same old rehearsed story

    She’s gone a little quiet recently, but another staged Muslim ‘attack’ can’t be far off for her to emerge from TV hibernation.

    More recent website of JAN put the founding date back to 1989 by Rafaat Sitara Mughal OBE 2014 [who must be her mother or mother-in-law, surely, although no link is made between the two names?]

    Sajda also worked with, then attacked in 2018 [standard M.O.] another spooky looking Government “anti-radicalisation” initiative, Prevent [perhaps Stage would be a better name?]

    source, Times

    speaking on the 13th anniversary of the attacks in London yesterday she said the flagship Prevent programme was alienating people

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 8 months ago by xileffilexxileffilex.

    I highlighted the activites of “7/7 survivor” Sajda Mughal in the Jo Cox thread on account of her [joing, along with Brendan Cox and others’] stewardship of the sudden arrival on the gatekeeping/hoax management organisational block, Survivors against Terror

    Sajda is a frequent rent-a-quote on the MSM, e.g. after the fake and absurd Westminster Bridge vehicle and knife attack of 3/22 2017.
    But when did her 7/7 memory “emerge”
    I can find no earlier “recollection” than on the 5th anniversary in 2010, notably in Eastern Eye newspaper
    The JAN link is not archived.
    We commemorate 7 July bombings
    Wednesday, 7 July 2010

    However the outpourings in 2011 are also unfortunately not captured

    and at JAN Trust, of which she is now CEO, and a recent recipient of the Order of the British Empire, and “countering extremism expert”
    JAN Trust was formed in 1991 as “Jamait al Nissa” – “women’s group” in Arabic.

    And back on the radio in 2011

    The earliest I can find MughalOBE hitting the global news stands is 2013, in the Mirror, where the story about not getting the usual train is recounted.
    and again in the ever faithful [to the official narrative] “liberal” Guardian in 2015
    and most recently in 2018, allowing the recital for the nth time of her “7/7 survival story”

    A terrorist tried kill to me but I do not want the death penalty for extremists

    Here’s the JAN video also from 2015

    and again in 2017 – same old rehearsed story

    She’s gone a little quiet recently, but another staged Muslim ‘attack’ can’t be far off for her to emerge from TV hibernation.

    More recent website of JAN put the founding date back to 1989 by Rafaat Sitara Mughal OBE 2014 [who must be her mother, surely, although no link is made between the two names?]

    Sajda also worked with, then attacked in 2018 [standard M.O.] another spooky looking Government “anti-radicalisation” initiative, Prevent [perhaps Stage would be a better name?]

    source, Times

    speaking on the 13th anniversary of the attacks in London yesterday she said the flagship Prevent programme was alienating people


    The familiar chequerboard interactive wall of obituaries is still available from 2015 at the BBC. It doesn’t archive very well

    Each “obituary” though has been archived separately, dating from after the inquest in 2010
    e.g Emily Rose Jenkins, a seeming drifter with half siblings [no probate]
    her parents Sarah and Nick Jenkins said Emily had been on a path of fulfilment when she was killed.

    I’ll try to list these soon.

    Returning to Jenkins – this is where it gets interesting
    Her half-brother James Bowles was the last to hear from her at 0845 BST….

    At the inquest into her death, her parents Sarah and Nick Jenkins….

    The youngest of four children, Emily was born in Hammersmith, west London.

    Full brother born 1978

    It all checks out.[just this one example]

    he mother of a young woman who died in the 7/7 London bombings said “It doesn’t help with the unending grief for Emily but it goes a way to help answer how she died, so that’s a good thing.”.
    source Richmond Times May 2011

    But one week after the “explosions” – the standard “missing” request, despite all vicsims carrying Identity, it must be assumed.


    del datetime=”2020-05-03T11:38:23+00:00″>
    Emily, a trainee midwife, has not been seen or heard of since and the Jenkins family are among dozens still waiting for news.

    Her family, who live in Willow Cottages ** – mother Sarah, father Nicholas, brother Barnaby and half-brother James Bowles – have described Emily as “missing” and said it is “not in her character”.
    Mr Bowles said: “Her family and friends are beside themselves and need help to find her.”

    Family friend Humphrey Williams said: “Emily is a lovely girl, this is just awful.”

    ** interestingly, this property, no 3, was sold on June 7 2005, exactly one month before 7/7!

    11 August 2006 – Falmouth Cornwall – a charity cricket match
    Despite living in London, Emily’s family have had a home in Cornwall… Emily’s brother Barnaby said: “Emily spent a year of her short life living and working in Falmouth where she made close friends and was much loved by all who had the good fortune to know her.
    “She was the life and soul of any good party, whether it was in the Ferry Boat Inn in Helford Passage or in Falmouth. She is sorely missed.

    Since 2011, no further comment from family anywhere.

    Her name was “released” on July 19 2005 as part of the drill process.
    All very interesting.

    And look what appeared in the literature in February 2018…
    From the obscure journal Orthopaedic Proceedings
    DH Nawabi, HA Mann, SPK Lau, JML Wong, BL Andrews, A Wilson, SC Ang, WD Goodier, TM Bucknill

    194 patients were brought to the Royal London Hospital. 167 were assessed in a designated minor injuries unit and discharged on the same day. 27 patients were admitted of whom 7 required ITU care, 1 died in theatre and 1 died post-operatively. The median Injurity Severity Score (ISS) in this group of patients was 6 (range 0-48) and the mean ISS was 12. The general pattern of injury in the critically ill patients was of mangled lower limbs and multiple, severely contaminated fragment wounds. Hepatitis B prophylaxis was administered to those patients with wounds contaminated by foreign biological material. 11 primary limb amputations were performed in 7 patients. 9 limb fasciotomies, 5 laparotomies and 1 sternotomy were carried out. 3 patients had blast lung injury. All patients who underwent
    primary amputations and debridement received further regular inspections in theatre. These inspections formed the majority of our theatre work. Under no circumstance was initial reconstructive surgery attempted. Delayed primary closure and split skin grafting of all wounds was completed by the end of the second week. There have been no sepsis-related deaths.

    Our experience at The Royal London has allowed us to revisit the principles of blast wound management in a peacetime setting. A number of lessons were learned regarding communication and resource allocation. A multi-disciplinary approach with the successful execution of a major incident plan is the key to managing an event of this magnitude.

    What took them so long – 12.5 years – to write up this drill script codicil???


    ..but the half-sister is retweeting the Mayor of London’s “never forget 7/7” posts.

    Now, onto the archived biographies.


    It wasn’t until I by chance that I watched this REM video, that I knew there was some sort of ‘Live Aid’ concert at Hyde Park the weekend prior to 7/7.
    (I’d have thought it would have made a better Terrorist target.)
    The 4 min. 44sec. mark jumped out at me.


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About xileffilex

doubter of everything in the MSM - photojournalists especially. Especially interested in the David Kelly suicide psy-op, Diana faked crash, Boston Marathon hoax. Old man with time to read behind the headlines. Southern England