Category Archives: Nuclear

Nuke leak

The only leak this sim could emit is that the entire nuclear science is a hoax.

As usual the whole event is under a publication ban. Secret courts in an “open” society.

A former employee of the Crown corporation that operates Ontario nuclear plants has been charged with leaking “safeguarded information” that could harm Canada.

Comedians selling the nuclear lie?

This guy doesn’t say one thing to prove magic rocks have endless heat.

Nuclear bombs are fake.Nuclear power is fake. Nuclear science is fake. This guy has not said one thing to demonstrate how magic rocks can create endless heat. The fact that it is controlled internationally is more proof that is only the cult of judea’s cabal that keeps this lie going.

Cui Bono – Rae West of

It’s amusing that Rae West has 2 Jewish children and a Jewish ex wife that he said he did not know was Jewish.

120RCB We interview Rae West who is behind the website Biglies ?? 2023-12-12 • ? 02:21:30 • ? 136 MB Podcast: Radio Cui Bono’s show Author: Radio Cui Bono Web player: Episode: Participating in this episode are Patrik, Martin and our guest Rae West . If you enjoy and want to support our work you can send a donation to SEB 5708 35 378 01 1)Intro from BBC:s Newsbenders which was aired in 1968 2) In this episode we interview Rae West, the man behind the website Our discussion goes around all the fakery in the media, science and history which Rae has covered with for years on his website. 3) Outro, Oh vey shut it down,-shut-it-down-original-song:6

Is Jesse Waugh dead?

Hope it wasn’t the clot shot.

DescriptionMy favorite artist died. His name was Jesse Waugh. You can find him on the internet. He got some strange infection and just died. IT was shocking and horrible. He was the 1st guy to every ‘interview me on the internet’ because we had similar interests. Conspiracy stuff. Esoteric stuff. I’ve studied a lot of disinformation tactics and there’s once called “Paralleling” and that’s what he interviewed me about.


Jesse started his own “Art Movement” called PULCHRISM. It was his effort to put beauty back in the center of art. To stop calling ugly things beautiful and vice versa. And I agree. And I call myself Pulchrist today. And also a vorticist.

Ezra Pound started or was part of the vorticism movement. And I have a kindred feeling towards ole Ezra. Even if he’s controversial. And this is ole Ezra and Jesse riding together. This piece has a foundational vibe for everything I’m going for in art. Especially in the non-representational category.

Do you think you could see this one hanging in your living room? I’d love to see a picture of it with your couch or something.UploadedFebruary 8th, 2021

Jesse’s amazing Nuke Lies video.

Markus and Chris talk to Jesse.

Nuclear power fairy tales

All these official stories that happen around the world regarding nuclear power make so much more sense when you know they’re just one giant fraud.

Nuclear Power is a much talked about technology in the current climate debate. Electricity veteran Ken Maize of Quad Report provides an update on three current nuclear issues: a new, mysterious NuScale power agreement; Plant Vogtle legal restitution; and the recommissioned 805-MW Palisades plant in Michigan.

More proof Ontario nuke plants are fake

After closing the coal plants, our power authority said that we’d rely more on fake nuclear power as the base load.
The new gas plants were for peak use.
Turns out that was a lie – surprise!
The gas plants were to simply replace the coal plants, since nuke power is fake.
The Red Star investigated, if you believe them, which I do in this case, and found that the gas plants are running all the time.

An investigation by the Toronto Star has found, however, that many of the province’s gas plants are operating far more often than their proponents say, effectively transforming them from rarely used peaker plants into baseload power plants that run almost all the time.

Source: Toronto’s Portlands gas plant ran 21 hours a day this summer