EGI – Elite gender inversion Forums The Big Picture EGI – Elite gender inversion

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    Lady Colin Campbell appeared in reality tv here in the UK, has written books on Lady Diana and comes from an aristocratic background.

    The official explanation for her obvious gender dysfunction is –

    “A genital malformation (a fused labia and deformed clitoris) led to the assumption that she was male at birth and she was christened George William.[1] Though her family life was otherwise happy, Campbell has spoken and written of the struggles she faced being raised as a boy when she was physically female”

    Evidently, cares not a jot for concealing tell-tale massive hands!

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    Hi kelaren

    Wow, that “lady” really hurt the eye.

    This example is quite intriguing as it is blatant. Also vey curious how royalty so often have opposite gender anatomy traits. Under is Lady Colin Campbell’s mother in law, Margaret Duchess of Argyll who without any genital malformation* still remain very masculine in appearence.

    Margaret Duchess of Argyll
    Margaret Duchess Of Argyll young

    *Lady Colin Campbell had a genital malformation (fused labia and deformed clitoris) that she operated at age 21 for $5,000 her grandmother paid, then legally changed her name and received a new birth certificate.



    The news story definitely look fake with the numbers and the “bad” muslim/foreigner called… drums… Mohammed !

    The gender subject could also be part of the meme. Her name is Elana*, which is often used in the naming schemes as it spells quite badly backwards.

    So with two suspect first names, Mohammed and Elana, i’m not sure what to make of their family name Shamji. Sham You ?

    Elena definitely seem to have masculine body and shape of face, but no brow-bone (female characteristic). Still, agree that her overall appearance, name and involvement in what seem a fraudulent incident make her a suspect of not being who she is nor if she’s a he or not.

    Elana Shamji at party (twitter account image)
    •very masculine body, important jaw-bone, male nose
    Elana Shamji at party

    Elana Shamji at reception (twitter account image)
    •very masculine arm and head, important jaw-bone, male mouth and nose – possibly bad index-digit ratio
    Elana Shamji at reception

    *Elana Shamji’s middle name FRIC is french slang for money, derived from the verb “fricoter”


    Lady Colin Campbell appeared in reality tv here in the UK, has written books on Lady Diana and comes from an aristocratic background.

    The Real Diana, Diana in Private: The Princess Nobody Knows

    So we never really knew her? Getting warmer…


    We all know about the hoaxed car crash, but EGI may possibly be another wall in Culto’s Castle.

    Diana was worshipped at a festival on August 13, when King Servius Tullius, himself born a slave, dedicated her temple on the Aventine Hill in the mid-6th century BC.

    Media attention and public mourning were extensive after her death in a car crash in Paris on 31 August 1997 and subsequent televised funeral.,_Princess_of_Wales

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 7 months ago by rgosrgos.

    It wouldn’t be a first…

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 7 months ago by rgosrgos.

    Mmm, been a long time since reading that Diana thread on LRF, but they are on to it:

    Has anyone on here got any views on the theory that the actor who played princess diana is now David Furnish, Elton John’s husband? Info on youtube.


    The Surfer at it again. Wipe out warning!


    And there never was an Island, really. They are hiding in plain sight. Ab, was right all along.


    Candle in the Wind

    How could we have missed that one…


    Und die Karawane geht weiter!

    Judging from the lyrics of Candle in the Wind, and if our eyes don’t deceive us, these two are probably packing as well.


    Don’t bite.


    Hi Rgos

    Do you really think there is a very strong case of Diana transmuting back into Elton Johns “husband” ?

    I believe this to be conspiracy candy, and in any case is besides the point. It is of course impossible not to speculate to a degree, but the case for EGI is difficult enough to understand as a concept, so we really need more explicit and well-researched cases to help ourselves and others see clearer.

    I do follow Junglesurfer and his research lack rhetoric and often skip theory and jump to conclusions. He has a very confrontational style as of late, angry and emotional.

    I have seen quite some research on Marilyn Monroe but i’m new to Jane Russell. Both cases are suspect. Hollywood is in general a big lifetime actor crowd where nothing seems real anyway. What is quite intriguing with earlier cases is the fact they did not have access to as much plastic surgery as today.

    In the video underneath, MrE3000 look at Miss America cases all the way back to the beginning. Somehow, the early Miss America’s quite remind me of the first Hollywood actresses. It seem that what we believe to be naturally evolving “fashion” could more be an adaptation of style based on the gradual perfection of MTF Elite Transgenderisation, influenced in a big way by Hollywood, a possible EIG laboratory and testing bed.

    MrE3000 (MISS AMERICA Beauty Pageants 20:11 mm:ss)


    Do you really think there is a very strong case of Diana transmuting back into Elton Johns “husband” ?

    Maybe, looks like it, the circumstantial evidence is there. Looks like they want us to know now, even.

    Diana played by a boy actor is totally acceptable to me now. Go look up Elizabethan theatre. It has always had strong ties with royalty. All female roles were played by adolescent boys. It was the norm. And politics/royalty is mostly theatre. We have established that much.

    It’s a (English) theatrical tradition. Even the jokes have remained the same over the years, decades, centuries.


    Hi again Rgos

    I completely agree on the Elizabethan theatre being very interesting, and actors/musicians and royalty seem to mix very well. British Royalty is an interesting subject in itself as there are plentiful image material, and early pictures look very typical of blatant FTM entities.

    Regarding David Furnish however, it really look like confirmation bias from the researchers that push these theories. They might be genuine in their intentions, but not very skilled in looking at anatomical differences, nor gender-specific surgical interventions.

    If we analyze first the name, “Furnish” it might be a pun with sexual connotations. I understand these to be for a FTM, moreso than for a natural male which Diana most likely would have been if she is part of the EGI agenda.

    Secondly, there are major flaws in the anatomical analysis. Why does Furnish have less brow-bone than Diana ? Why is the face-shape more V-shaped ? Why did they shorten Diana’s nose ? Why did they eliminate Diana’s nose-bump ? How did Diana’s broad shoulders get eliminated ?

    I have looked only quickly at David Furnish as to explain my point of view, but appreciate your analysis of the reason they did plastic surgery on Diana to make him/her less masculine than originally would be the case if HRT was used.

    Davis Furnish
    •FTM signs: no brow bone, feminine V-shaped face, small “not deep” eyes, small teeth, small ears, short nose, short neck
    David Furnish


    I guess David Furnish would have furnished a pretty nice Diana when he was an adolescent boy. Minimal makeup needed.

    Besides, what’s the point of a joke when no-one gets it? After almost 20 years, it is about time to drop some clues.

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