Fake Aviation Crashes and other Helihoaxes

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    I think that seals it.

    And if that doesn’t seal it, then maybe this will? From the Sunday Times; Oct 31, 2010:

    Those who died were Charles Stisted, 47, chief executive of the Guards Polo Club in Windsor, where Prince Charles and his sons, William and Harry, are members; Ian Wooldridge, 51, a construction company boss, member of the club and friend of Prince Philip, its president; and Anthony “A J” Smith, 59, a former RAF instructor who was flying Wooldridge’s £3m (*3.45m) aircraft.

    Stisted, a former officer in the Scots Guards who lived with his wife Melissa and two children in a £1.1m house in Fulham, southwest London, is credited with turning his club’s polo matches on Smith’s Lawn at Windsor into a highlight of the social season. It is now the largest polo club in Europe, costing £17,500 to join.
    The eight-seater Augusta A109A Mark II helicopter was one of several taking off at 15-minute intervals to fly the shooting party back to the British mainland on Saturday, October 23.

    At the controls was [A J] Smith, a pilot with almost 40 years’ experience who had flown everything from RAF Pumas to a JetRanger owned by Sir Ian Botham, the cricketer.

    Smith was described as a “legend” by former colleagues last week. Once, when he was transferring a premature baby from Northern Ireland to a specialist care unit in Dublin during the IRA troubles, he was airborne with the baby in an incubator and a full medical team when he received a radio message saying clearance to cross the Irish border had been refused and he was to return north.

    There was a few seconds’ pause and then Smith replied: “Difficult. Will contact by landline from destination. Out.” His Augusta is not the only aircraft to come to grief in the Mournes in recent days.

    The pilot “a legend”, no less. And a double-entendre, to be sure.

    From the Daily Mirror; Oct 25, 2010:

    Investigators from the Air Accident Investigation Branch in London flew up to the two cordoned-off crash sites yesterday to begin to piece together what caused the triple tragedy.

    An exclusion zone of four miles was in place around the mountain-top crash and unauthorised aircraft were banned from flying near the scene.

    Which kept the nosey-parkers safely at bay from the crash-free crash site. But alas, more air-terror was in store for the Mountains of Mourne. And just five days later. From The Guardian; 29 Oct 2010:

    A helicopter hired by police to investigate the scene of an earlier crash on Northern Ireland’s Mourne mountains flipped over and plunged to the ground yesterday.

    Four people were taken to hospital. Their injuries were not life-threatening, and police said they had been able to stumble away from the aircraft.

    The team had been investigating a helicopter crash that killed three people near Hilltown, County Down, last weekend.

    The helicopter involved in the latest incident was a Eurocopter Squirrel that was on lease to the Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI). It had been attempting to land when it crashed.

    It was carrying a pilot, photographer, observer and an officer from the police emergency team. Two of them were carried off the mountains by stretcher. The weather at the time was poor, with low cloud, heavy rain and strong winds.

    The Air Accident Investigation Board was called in to investigate the latest accident.

    From The Times; 25 Oct, 2010:

    The [Agusta] helicopter is believed to have been flown by Mr Wooldridge’s personal pilot, a former military pilot who had served in Northern Ireland and later worked for a number of City figures.
    [Deceased passenger] Mr Stisted, 47, became one of world’s most influential polo figures after his appointment as events manager at the Guards Club in 1990. He was promoted to secretary in 1995 and oversaw its conversion from military control to a civilian administration.

    The club has about 1,000 non-playing members and about 160 playing members, among whom are some of the highest-rated players in the world Mr Stisted was educated at Fettes and Westminster University before entering Sandhurst.

    Fettes and Westminster University? Back then, when Stisted would have been an undergrad, it was just plain old Polytechnic of Central London. Unusual combination. Elite boarding school followed by inner-city poly?

    [second deceased passenger] Mr Wooldridge, 51, was the head of the Surrey-based Wooldridge Group.

    The family-owned company, which has a £40 million turnover and 300 employees, includes construction, demolition, plant hire and recycling. It is currently working for the Guards Club on creating two full size pitches and a practice ground in Windsor Great Park.

    Mr Wooldridge bought the Agusta helicopter about two years ago. The helicopter was based at the Redhill aerodrome, in Surrey, but is believed to have been scheduled to land at Caernarfon airport, in North Wales, on Saturday afternoon.

    Redhill aerodrome denied any such link to the crashed chopper. From the Redhill And Reigate Life; 26 Oct, 2010:

    Phil Wright, manager of Redhill Aerodrome, said the aerodrome was “not involved in any way whatsoever” in the investigation into the crash.

    He said: “The helicopter was not based at Redhill. It only came to Redhill for maintenance.

    “It was based on the owner’s estate up at Sunningdale, near Virginia Water.”
    The privately-owned Agusta helicopter, which was American-registered, was based at the owner’s estate near Virginia Water, but went to Redhill Aerodrome for maintenance work.

    This was carried out by EBG Sales and Maintenance, one of two helicopter maintenance companies based at the aerodrome.

    They confirmed they looked after the Agusta, a medium-sized helicopter capable of carrying up to eight people, and it had last been there on October 15.

    But a staff member said yesterday: “We’ve decided to make no comment. It’s completely in the hands of the Air Accident Investigation Branch (AAIB).

    There’s no comment or statement from our company.
    [Mr Wright; aerodrome manager] said EBG Sales and Maintenance had been at the aerodrome many years and had a couple of hangars there.

    He said a lot of helicopters came to the aerodrome as their maintenance was the prime business of EBG Sales and Maintenance, and the other company there, London Helicopter Centre.

    And, of course, no air-crash psyop would be complete without stories of the ones who ‘got away’. Those who defied death; cancelling their travel plans at the last hour..
    From The Sunday Times; 31 Oct, 2010

    His [Charles Stisted’s] wife Melissa was going to join them but instead took their son Freddie, 13, and daughter Allegra, 10, to Dubai for a half-term break.

    And from the Daily Telegraph; 4 Oct, 2011:

    It was disclosed by the coroner that one man who was in the shooting party at Baronscourt and was the last to see the three men alive, declined to take a lift back to England as he had a social engagement in Co Donegal in the Irish Republic.

    Staying with the inquest, it was a full inquest with jury held in Feb 2012 by John Leckey, Belfast’s senior coroner. The blood and gore courtesy of the Daily Mirror, 21 Feb, 2012:

    THE tearful widow of a pilot who died in a helicopter crash heard the details yesterday of how his body parts were recovered.

    Anthony Smith, 63, died along with his passengers Charles Stisted and Ian Wooldridge on October 23, 2010.

    The Agusta A109A helicopter they were travelling in, co-owned by Mr Wooldridge, crashed into Shanlieve Mountain in Co Down on a journey to Wales from a shooting trip in Co Tyrone.

    Mr Stisted, 47, was chief executive of the Guards Polo Club at Windsor and a personal friend of the Princes Charles, William and Harry.

    Mr Wooldridge, 52, was a senior figure in Dublin-based Harcourt Developments, the company involved in the development of Belfast’s Titanic Quarter.

    Dr James Lyness, assistant state pathologist for Northern Ireland, told Belfast Coroners Court yesterday the men had died from multiple injuries.

    He said it had been not possible to do a full postmortem on each of the men’s organs because of their injuries.

    Senior coroner John Leckey praised four hillwalkers who discovered the crash site and the emergency services for what they achieved in “difficult circumstances”.

    PE teacher Sean Featherstone said he smelt burning and knew by the look on his friend’s face something was badly wrong.

    He added: “The engine looked like a burnt-out car. I saw flesh and parts of bodies on the ground.”

    To end on a happier note, it’s impressive to watch the politicos of Northern Ireland from all sides of the political ‘divide’; setting aside their differences; and expressing heartfelt sympathies for those involved in the chopper tragedy.

    Tributes flooding in for the Windsors’ elite polo club executives from leaders of the UUP, DUP, Alliance Party, SDLP and, not least, Sinn Fein.

    Final word to Michelle Gildernew, the Sinn Fein MP for Fermanagh and South Tyrone which covers Enniskillen [who subsequently lost her seat in the faux 2015 election] said: “This is a shocking and tragic accident and my sympathies go out at this time to the families of those who have lost their lives.”

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 7 months ago by psyopticoneviledna.

    Good stuff, Psyopticon. The usual “funny sounds” were reported coming from the chopper before the first “crash”.
    I wasn’t aware of the follow up “crash”. A photo emerges the following year from the BBC, just the one

    The crooks at AAIB concocted a great story to explain this non-crash –

    The report said the pilot, who had worked as an instructor and charter pilot since 2007, had arrived in Northern Ireland from England two days before the accident.
    “Immediately beforehand, he had suffered a family bereavement,” the report said.
    “He did not report this to his company and considered on the day he was fit for flying duty.
    “However, when the pilot informed the AAIB of the fact he thought it possible (the bereavment) may have been a contributory factor in the accident.”
    The report cited research on how the death of a close family member has been found to lead to higher level of stress than any other experience. It said such stress would be likely to cause a loss of concentration.
    “When the pilot’s bereavement became known after the accident the operator emphasised to all its pilots the critical importance of informing the company of any personal issues that may affect their ability to fly safely and effectively,” the report said.


    There’s a video here showing the word POLICE and serial number G-SEWP nicely displayed for the cameras.
    The army will airlift the crashed chopper out according to the reporter – the same way it came in no doubt…

    What caused the first crash? Over to the AAIB

    The Air Accidents Investigation Branch report found that if the ground proximity warning system had been on, it would have triggered an alert.
    It said a full inspection of the craft was not possible because of the damage.

    lol again


    The usual “funny sounds” were reported coming from the chopper before the first “crash”.

    Yes, an unidentified farmer described the “funny sounds” as being like an “over-choked petrol car”. Reporting that the noisy chopper barely cleared the roof of his cowshed, where he was working.

    I wasn’t aware of the follow up “crash”.

    Just one of several aircrashes in that area. By the time of the polo club catastrophe, air-crash procedure in Co. Down was evidently well tested. With many of the same commentators, actors, and eyewitnesses wheeled out for each of the crashes.

    From the Daily Mirror; 17 Nov, 2007:

    TWO men escaped death yesterday when the light aircraft in which they were travelling smashed into a field.

    The microlight plane plummeted near the Corcreaghan Road, Kilkeel, Co Down, just before 3pm.

    It crash-landed near an old military base runway often used by light aircraft.

    A close relative of passenger Archie Alderdice said the engine had abruptly cut out forcing him and pilot pal Bobby Morris to glide the plane in to land.

    But disaster struck when the craft clipped a hedge.

    The relative revealed: “They were trying to glide the plane in but it hit the hedge forcing it to nose-dive into the field.

    “They are lucky to be alive, it could so easily have gone the other way.

    “They are counting their blessings.”

    Granddad Mr Alderdice, who is in his 60s, has been a flying fan and pilot for more than 40 years.

    Ambulance staff and police treated the injured men at the scene before they were taken to Daisy Hill Hospital, Newry, Co Down.

    Their injuries are not thought to be life threatening.

    Newry and Mourne councillor Henry Riley (sic) said it was a mystery why the aircraft crashed.

    He added: “The weather conditions were fine, there was absolutely no wind.

    “No one seems to have heard the plane crash, nobody local, so we assume the engine must have cut out and it glided down and crashed into one of the hedges here.

    “It seems pretty catastrophic. The aircraft seems wrote-off from what we can see.”

    Having cheated death himself in that air-crash, survivor Archie Alderdice, was soon to become coffin-bearer in the funeral for another victim. Killed in a separate (triple-tragedy) air-crash in 2009. That, too, came down near Kilkeel, Co Down.

    From the Belfast Telegraph; 20 June, 2009:

    Funeral services for Stephen Annett (25), Hugh McKnight (54) and Andrew Burden (24) were held in Kilkeel and Annalong in what was one of the darkest days for Co Down.

    The trio were killed when a light aircraft crashed and burst into flames in a field outside Kilkeel last Friday night [11 June 2009]. The three motorcycle enthusiasts had been returning from a day at the TT races on the Isle of Man.
    Father-of-three Hugh McKnight, who had been piloting the fateful plane, was laid to rest after a service in the tiny Annalong Presbyterian Church in the heart of the village.
    Among those in the congregation were Mr McKnight’s devastated wife Shirley, son James and daughters Linda and Laura. Uniformed PSNI and Northern Ireland Fire and Rescue officers were also in attendance.

    Medals belonging to the former UDR soldier and RUC man were proudly displayed on top of his coffin alongside two bouquets of coloured flowers. The remains were also flanked by two flags from Kilkeel British Legion.

    In his address, Reverend Stuart Finlay said Mr McKnight had fulfiled his lifelong ambition by becoming a pilot in the 1990s.

    “He travelled to Florida to undertake an intensive training course with some of the best aviation instructors in America in order to gain his wings.

    “Once free to fly solo, nothing gave him greater pleasure than to take someone up with him for a pleasure flight,” he said.

    The congregation also heard how motorbike racing was also among his passions.

    Added the Minister: “The stars of motorcycling knew Hugh by name and he was a personal friend of the Dunlop brothers and was hugely saddened by their tragic deaths.

    “Hugh had helped Joey in his preparations for his numerous mercy missions to Romanian orphanages — a fact not known to many — but not one to surprise those of us who knew him.”

    Mr McKnight had been heavily involved in the local community and the Rev Bingham counted him as a personal friend.

    “Hugh McKnight will be very much missed by us all, his welcoming smile, his fun-loving ways, his interest and concern for many of us. We don’t know why he was taken from us as he was, but we’re glad we had him with us for the years we did, and glad he accomplished so much through his life,” he concluded.

    Among those who carried the coffin to the graveside were Mr McKnight’s flying pals Archie Alderdice and brothers Gregory and Gary Nicholson — who witnessed the horrific scenes last Friday. Mr McKnight’s wife and daughters carried red roses and wept as they made their way towards the grave.

    And Kilkeel Councillor Henry Reilly who eyeballed that 2007 “crash site” also gave a touching tribute to the three deceased in the 2009 air crash. The world of aviation is vanishingly in Co Down.

    From the Belfast Newsletter; 15 June, 2009:

    UK Independence Party councillor Henry Reilly said he visited the homes of the deceased yesterday and “it was so terribly sad”.

    “The remains of the deceased are not home yet, but they should be coming on Monday.

    “The funerals will he held on Tuesday and Wednesday.

    “Being in the family homes tonight was absolutely devastating. My heart really goes out to the families. They are all fine decent people.

    “I am not sure if their families realise just yet but the community is really rallying round them and really care for them.”

    By the time of the AIIB investigation into that 2009 Kilkeel crash, UKIP Councillor Reilly was by now a competent air-crash authority himself:

    This from the Belfast Newsletter; 9 April, 2010:

    The Air Accidents Investigation Branch report said that pilot Hugh McKnight may have felt under pressure to land quickly and that it was not clear whether he had seen the weather forecast.
    Mr McKnight, a 53-year-old former police officer, was returning from the TT races in the Isle of Man with passengers Stephen Annett and Andrew Burden, both 24, when they crashed into a field in Kilkeel on June 12.

    The report said that deteriorating weather meant the pilot was unable to land at his destination, so he diverted to a nearby airfield.

    Mr McKnight turned his aircraft to align it with the runway, but during the turn the nose dropped, probably as a result of a stall, and the aircraft dived into the ground. The occupants were fatally injured and the aircraft was destroyed in the fire that followed.
    Evidence from the wreckage showed that the engine was still delivering power at impact. The report found that the reduction in airflow over the wings during the turn was sufficient to cause the stall.

    However, Kilkeel councillor Henry Reilly said he still felt engine failure was to blame.

    “Hugh was a very experienced pilot who would not have taken risks in order to get a quick landing,” he said.

    The air crash was the second in the area in a fortnight. Two men survived the previous crash.

    Picture below, UKIP Councillor Henry Reilly with party leader Nigel Farage. Who is of course remembered for his own air-crash catastrophe, just weeks later on election day, 6 May 2010.


    “Kinety Dine” is quite the Bermuda triangle for aviation crashes in the UK.Is not that where the factories of the “late” Lord Ballyedmond are, and to where he was flying his helicopter before it “crashed” in 2014 in England?
    Here’s my favorite Farage “crash” image, the “raspberry ripple” effect

    source http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/politics/nigel-farage/11466522/Nigel-Farage-After-the-plane-crash-I-lit-a-fag.-Not-a-great-idea-close-to-aviation-fuel.html
    vividly remembered nearly 5 years later for his book [with a little help from the “accident report – the plane nose-dived from about 38 feet, ”

    . I had fractured two vertebrae in my neck, split my sternum and broken pretty much all of my ribs. Something along the way had punctured my lung. And not forgetting the split lip

    Tom-DalpraTom Dalpra

    Ah, the Farage ‘stunt’, yes that was interesting. I still can’t quite believe the attention to detail at 2-30 mins here in this Sky news report with the conspicuous black guy with the bobble hat ( a la Adebolajo of Woolwich ) in the background.

    Lee Rigby – Woolwich London – 22nd May 2013 and beyond.



    Nice find, Tom. They were well ahead of the curve there
    More material for analysis – the crash scene with suspicious tyre marks in the field

    the lip

    no x-rays, unfortunately, of the ribs neck or sternum etc.


    I think this Heli crash near Cambridge in January 2012 must go down as the one with the smallest amount of wreckage.
    images here –

    As usual there is a oversized turnout of emergency vehicles in the middle of nowhere all doing nothing seemingly.

    The usual “witnesses”

    For once, a world first, we don’t see the serial number of the craft. Perhaps this pile of junk has been used before for a drill, or is going to be used again.


    Robert Crofts-Bolster, 50, of Brasted, Kent, was killed when his two-seater came down in fields in Witchford, Cambridgeshire, in January 2012.

    He had taken off from Manston at nearly 10.00 and had passed Cambridge Airport on his way to Fenland.

    which is a rather general area.
    Bob Bolster
    Sad to report the death of Bob bolster.Bob was killed in a recent R22 crash near cambridge.
    Bob was a familiar sight at southend airport for many years where he instructed on light aircraft.
    The funeral is this wed the 25th at Saint lukes church,chiddingstone,Kent at 11am.

    As Helen said in her Address, the family had received many cards all starting with “words cannot describe…”

    the widow

    Click to access newsletter19jan12.pdf

    r he will be known best by some of the older generation as the flying dentist – due to the fact he was a fully qualified dentist with his own practice.

    Bio –

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 7 months ago by xileffilexxileffilex.

    Just listening to the music interlude of the Fetzer interview with Scott Fletcher
    around 30 minutes.

    Dig It! from the Beatles.

    Like a rolling stone

    Like the FBI and the CIA
    And the BBC, BB King
    And Doris Day, Matt Busby

    Dig it, dig it, dig it
    Dig it, dig it, dig it

    The real Doris Day had a hit song in the 1940s titled “Dig It” (or “You Can Dig It”).

    OK, but are we being told something else?
    at 2:10

    But Matt Busby? Replaced, or did he have a secret to keep?

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 7 months ago by xileffilexxileffilex.

    Scott Forbes not Fletcher


    This has to be a good one. You know it because it involves an AK47, a helicopter, animals [elephants] and injuries which Daniel Psenny and various other Bataclan “survivors” would have walked away with. Nevertheless, the UK is providing “consular assistance” as it normally does in these reassignment cases. Oh, and it all emerges on twitter. Location – Tanzania. And for added confirmation,we have a swiftly created GoFundMe page for all animal lovers.
    The bare bones are here

    [Roger] Gower, 37, and a safari guide, Nicky Bester, were flying low to the ground searching for gunmen who had killed three elephants in the reserve when the gang broke cover and shot at them from the ground with the automatic rifle. A bullet is understood to have passed through the floor of the helicopter, hitting Gower first in the leg then in the shoulder before exiting through the roof.

    Despite his injuries Gower managed to fly the helicopter down into a tree preventing a potential explosion and saving Bester, who jumped to safety as the aircraft came down and hid from the poachers in a thicket, wildlife authorities said.
    Photographs of the crashed helicopter showed apparent bullet holes in the fuselage.

    Pratik Patel, a close friend working on the same anti-poaching operation

    who is clearly also a ballistics expert added some flesh to the “injuries”:

    The bullet that hit Roger cut through the floor of the helicopter, through his leg, part of his body and shoulder and hit his face, before going through the roof of the helicopter. It was from a heavy calibre gun – probably the same gun that they used to kill the elephant.”

    Brother Max, 42, corporate lawyer, from Chiswick, who

    pieced together what happened after one of Roger’s friends called him at home in Chiswick on a bad phone line at midnight last Friday, shortly after it had happened.

    – that’s 3AM in Tanzania, btw, or 9PM if the caller was in Tanzania, and who adds more details in the London Evening Standard


    Roger was lucid and talking for around 10 minutes. Nick was trying to look at his head wound and call for help. After 10 minutes Roger became more incoherent and lapsed into unconsciousness.”
    Moving to Tanzania from Kenya offered “amazing flying” and it allowed him to take four months off a year to spend with his girlfriend, Carolina Adaid Fontes, who lives in Brazil and works at a law firm.
    “They met in Cancun a few years ago and were trying hard to find a way of making a life together even though Roger couldn’t get a work permit in Brazil and she couldn’t move,” says Max.
    Nick is “wracked with guilt”

    The family haven’t met Fontes but Max says: “I know that he loved her. She told my wife and mother on the phone that she thought she was going to spend the rest of her life with him

    I bet.
    Sniff test – big game fail. Photos please!

    Hero, naturally.That looks absolutely wrecked!
    …perhaps a Land Rover bumped into it…why there’s the Kalashnikov exit hole in the pilot’s seat…

    closer up…emerging on facebook, naturally:


    I’m too young for this one, but someone at DI forums brought it up in another esoteric context. The parallels with Munich are uncanny. There was even an Italian commemorative postage stamp issued. Hmmm Let’s have a look.
    photo pages…

    a few examples… we are on familiar territory already…

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 5 months ago by xileffilexxileffilex.

    Somehow I missed this recent fake crash from Russia
    19 March 2016

    International interest provided by two Indians…

    Shyam Mohan and Anju Kathirvel Aiyappan “According to information we received here, the two belonged to Vengola village in Perumbavoor in Ernakulam district….

    Read more at: http://english.manoramaonline.com/news/kerala/a-flydubai-passenger-boeing-crash-rostov-on-don.html…http://english.manoramaonline.com/news/kerala/a-flydubai-passenger-boeing-crash-rostov-on-don.html

    A picture tells a thousand words, [or one word of four letters, ending with x]


    This Norwegian news story must go down as one of the most obvious helicopter crash hoaxes, filmed in glorious low definition

    13 dead so they say, including one Italian and one UK citizen in order to spread the story around Europe. A real low budget job.

    A 41-year-old British man working for oilfield services company Halliburton was among 13 people killed in a helicopter crash in Norway.

    The Super Puma was carrying two crew and 11 passengers from the North Sea Gullfaks B oil field, around 74 miles (120 kilometres) off the Norwegian coast when it crashed en route to Flesland Airport in Bergen on Friday.

    Field operators Statoil said the pilots – a Norwegian and an Italian – were CHC Helicopter staff and the Briton killed was a 41-year-old working for Houston-based Halliburton.

    The man is understood to be from Aberdeenshire in Scotland.

    The 10 other Norwegian passengers were employed by companies including Schlumberger, Aker Solutions, and Statoil. Their names have not yet been released.

    The only certain fact is that there is no sign whatsoever of a crashed helicopter.


    The “helicopter” minus rotor blade…

    Blazing “rotor blades”

    source – http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3567992/Tributes-British-man-41-13-people-killed-helicopter-crash-Norway.html

    The Facebook pages of his wife, Amy, and daughter, Sara Jane, carried messages of condolence and tributes in which he was described as “always a gent” and “a top bloke

    An absurd psy-op.


    One from British shores. Light aircraft crash on the Castle Howard estate, north Yorkshire, England.

    GOOD SETTING: Castle Howard, one of Britain’s finest stately homes; still residence of Howard family (Earl of Carlisle).

    Crash involved single-prop Slingsby T67M Mk II Firefly. Tail number G-BNSO. 6567 total flying hours. Privately owned. Built 1987; used for training and aerobatics (straining airframe and reducing life). Certificate of Airworthiness issued just days earlier (11 April)


    Took off from nearby Full Sutton airfield, allegedly. “Two fatalities; two occupants”. Both pilot and passenger “believed to be RAF pilots”.

    Let the pictures do the talking.

    Time to chat and contemplate. Plenty cops and paramedics. Air Ambulance in attendance, of course.


    Very isolated road (Mains Lane, Whitwell-on-the-Hill, YO60 7ER). Easy site to seal at both ends. Just south of the Carlisle Memorial Monument; useful point for rendez-vous and navigation.

    Google street view: https://goo.gl/maps/fDBDmBwsAeD2

    From the Gazette & Herald:

    Police officers guarded the scene over night while an investigation into the cause continued. No details have been released about the men.

    The crash site

    Chief inspector Mark Grange, of North Yorkshire Police, said: “We had a report at 10.40am that a light aircraft had crashed between Castle Howard and the A64.

    “A doctor who came to the scene confirmed that two males had deceased.

    “Our priority is now to preserve the scene for the Air Accident Investigation Branch. We expect them to be here at the 6pm.

    “Our job is to preserve the evidence for them.

    Chief Inspector Mark Grange

    [ Clumsy faux-tograph; Chief Inspector Mark Grange obscuring the moneyshot (crash scene).]

    “Police officers will be here throughout the night. We don’t imagine that the aircraft will be removed until tomorrow.

    We have also got crime scene investigators here. They took some photos after the area was made safe by the fire service.

    “The cause of the crash will be down to the AAIB to determine. We are not part of that.”

    Chief Insp Grange added: “Events like these are not common. We don’t get many light aircraft crashes, but they do happen.

    “It’s tragic for the families and our sympathies are with them.”

    The plane landed more than 200m away from the nearest houses and was still largely intact.

    Chief Insp Grange said: “It looks like it came straight down.

    “It looks like an aircraft, with two wings and a tail fin where it should be. It’s in a bad way and it’s obviously come down heavily. It’s sat on its underside so it has not flipped.

    “Whether they tried to land like that I don’t know.

    “I cannot say where they were going and what they were doing in the air.

    “The fire service attended the scene just to make sure the area is safe because of worries about the amount of fuel – they have declared it safe.”

    Up to 20 firefighters attended the scene and set up a foam blanket around the aircraft in case it caught fire, a North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service spokesman said.

    The spokesman added: “We sent three appliances and one incident support unit with its own appliance.”

    An air ambulance and a land ambulance were also sent to the crash site, a Yorkshire Ambulance Service spokeswoman said.

    A road closure remains in place either side of the scene.

    Nice sunny day for an outing of the Air Ambulance crew.

    By some coincidence, a youtube video of the same (alleged) plane was uploaded earlier. Showing it straining during an (alleged) aerobatic spin; the passenger whooping loudly from the thrill of it.









    Perhaps this Castle Howard psy-op is a “multi-service response” to promote tourism in Yorkshire, rather like Anneka Rice used to do in helicopter centred “Treasure Hunt”? BNSO on the wings nicely displayed for the press.
    I forgot to point out the miraculously preserved registration of the Norwegian “crashed” helicopter LN-OJF in the photo of the suspended junk yard scrap.


    Who’s Mr Krogsaether?

    “victim” 32 year old Silje Ye Rim of Korean background.
    who was a student in 2004 ,

    who leaves little trace subsequent to 2009


    A cherished cat memory from 2006, now known as Krogsaether.

    Having fun in New York 4 weeks ago – perhaps gathering some jokes to tell the over 50s on the oil rig?

    Last post – back in Bergen to sign off, naturally

    silje_vk#ulriken #bergen
    activelifehappylife Nice ??
    magnhild_krog1973 Flott?
    iselinhoyvik Helt ufattelig at dette er det siste bildet jeg får se deg legge ut, @silje_vk. Du har vært og er en inspirasjon! Hvil i fred passer ikke å si til en person som var så full av eventyrlyst og liv! Skål for livet! ? Tårene triller..

    Hmmmm… Magnhild also from Bremnes, Bømlo

    The all-important facebook portrait uploads prior to the disappearance

    August 8 2015
    [this is from the Galapagos Islands in Ecuador – en route to Colombia, Mexico, San Juan..quite the world traveler our Silje]

    January 25 2016
    The rest of her FB page cleansed.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 2 months ago by xileffilexxileffilex.

    One from British shores. Light aircraft crash on the Castle Howard estate, north Yorkshire, England.

    Crash involved single-prop Slingsby T67M Mk II Firefly. Tail number G-BNSO. 6567 total flying hours. Privately owned. Built 1987; used for training and aerobatics (straining airframe and reducing life). Certificate of Airworthiness issued just days earlier (11 April)

    A very suspicious website, probably set up for this hoax. Not archived, domain untraceable.

    Cameron James Forster, 21, from Sussex, and Ajvir Singh Sandhu, 25, from Essex, were killed as the light aircraft crash landed in a field off Mains Lane, between Castle Howard and the A64, in North Yorkshire, at about 10.40am on Saturday.

    The plane was a Slingsby T67 Firefly, which is thought to have took off from Full Sutton Flying Centre near York

    A spokesman for the centre declined to comment.

    Flying Instructors

    The sadly deceased Firefly was top of the range at £160 per hour.


    The obligatory facebook post before disappearance

    Back in 2009, the Lord Lieutenant’s cadet from 241 Squadron, Wanstead and Woodford
    while at Ilford County High School:

    Arvin Brockhoist 4:10pm Fri 27 Mar 09
    He looks a fine young man and he should be very proud of his achievements. He obviously has an interest in a career flying aeroplanes and should do well.


    This one feels flaky, too. From Shifnal, Telford, England, on Bank Holiday Monday (30 May).

    A blue light aircraft, described as a Rans S6ES “microlight” inexplicably plunges nose first into ground. Two aboard – pilot and passenger. The pair pronounced dead at scene. Both remain unidentified. Plane tail number also withheld. Only partially disclosed in some fauxtographs; masked altogether, in others.

    Eyewitness, John Taylor, 37-year-old geography teacher [from Moreton School Wolverhampton] “who was watching the skies from a few miles away, said: “I was in the park with my two kids and happened to look up and see the plane. I watched it for a few seconds, all seemed normal but then it seemed to be getting lower. All of a sudden it nosedived to the ground. It dropped below the roofs of the houses so I didn’t actually see it land.”

    Eyewitness was watching a light aircraft “from a few miles away” ?? Very bored? But with super-strong eyesight?

    As typical, crash staged along an isolated rural lane. With public access sealed and secured at both ends. Ensuring no genuine eyewitnesses of hoaxy activities.

    Midland Air Ambulance in attendance, of course. Landing their shiny new EC135T2e chopper in a field of long corn. Looking precarious, the corn almost entering the tail rotor. Or was that image ‘shopped. too?

    Crash scene doesn’t reflect a fatal nose-dive from altitude. Where is rest of plane? Is this ‘shopped? Or did they just carry the (flimsy) tail section into a corn-field for a photo shoot? And why so few images?

    All photos attributed to local resident “Michelle Marshall”. Tiny bit of (faux?) footage on Daily Mail site.

    edit: pilot identified by friends this evening as Tony Croke / Croker / Crokeham of Market Drayton, “an experienced pilot” who supposedly only built the kit-plane a month ago. Passenger remains unnamed.



    Tom-DalpraTom Dalpra

    So, apparently the guy had just made the kite (from a kit ) himself.
    It looks like a plane, but the official line is that it was a ‘microlight’.

    Perhaps rules can be bent in gaining licences for these things and it was classified as a microlight.
    For sure it looks like a plane and it kind of looks like it nosedived into a field. Why the insistence on it being called a microlight?

    The blurred-out lettering on most of the images draws the eye naturally and perhaps a little suspiciously , to what looks like possibly the word ‘YES’ on this image.
    Why is it blurred-out in the other images? There’s perhaps a simple explanation.


    If you did want to stage a plane crash like that perhaps a good way would be by remote control.
    Crash a big toy into the ground somewhere isolated. Run the drill.
    It kinda looks like that, but I guess it would either way…

    I don’t know if this is real or not. I fear a couple of people may have died. I hope they haven’t, but I fear they may have.
    Those micro lights scare the shit out of me and it’s not surprising there are accidents. I’ve got a friend who does it.
    ”No thanks mate, you’re alright ”.

    There’s nothing wrong with a little gentle investigation in the soft fields of England in the sunny late Spring , though.


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About xileffilex

doubter of everything in the MSM - photojournalists especially. Especially interested in the David Kelly suicide psy-op, Diana faked crash, Boston Marathon hoax. Old man with time to read behind the headlines. Southern England