The 9/11 double helix – 2x111on911

helix9/11 was a media fakery extravaganza AND a military psyOp hoax.

Like the twin towers, these two pillars intertwined to create the biggest military media psyOp hoax of our time. I know this description is a mouthful, but I think it’s important to use all these terms (perhaps even more) when describing this first day of the new millennium.

It’s with this understanding that I’d like to create a spreadsheet composed of two 111 row columns. We will place and re-arrange in order of significance two concepts:

Column 1: the most important evidence or factors describing the media fakery of the day

Column 2: the most important evidence or factors describing the psyOp hoax elements of the day

This is a flexible idea. The point is to create a powerful tool for illustrating the powerful deception to others who have no clue where to start their research. Charts and handy guides are one way to get a handle on the enormity of this event. This blog is a mish mash of ideas and concepts that is hard to navigate. There probably is no good way to impart fakeologist wisdom on others. A bullet point list like this might help.

As always, your thoughts are welcome.

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