Category Archives: Crrow

Explaining the three US bankruptcies

… And why your straw man doesn’t owe a thing.

298- Monetary Reset – Living on IOUs and Passing Paper Free of Intrinsic Value (Free)

2021-02-20 by Crow

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We are told a Great Monetary Reset is coming soon. Very little else seems to be known in this regard. It might help to comprehend how we came to use fiat currency and how we have all paid a heavy price due to ignorance and debt. It should be grasped that any currency not backed by value (silver/gold) and that constantly changes value, is not in the best interest of living men and women. Inflation, deflation or any other descriptive term used to vary what money is worth shows it is unstable, controlled and without intrinsic value. Let’s take a look at how we got where we are and where things might go. Is gold backed money in our future or will we continue to head into the imaginary world of crypto currency? Are You Ready Player One? The post 298- Monetary Reset – Living on IOUs and Passing Paper Free of Intrinsic Value (Free) appeared first on Crrow777 Radio.

CR048 – The Saturnian Vatican, Jesuits 

Even the origins of the months is fascinating and largely unknown. 

The Vatican and Jesuit Order Run the World In this episode we examine the roots of western religion and ask if the roots of this tree are poisoned. The Vatican and Jesuit order can be directly tied too much of western life to include religion, law and the corporate straw man identity covered in recent shows. When we see the magi-strate in a court room, we are looking at the Saturnian brotherhood which is directly relatable to the Pope. We can also understand much of western religion came through

Sir Richard Fraudster 

Good breakdown on the origin of knights. 

Virgin Galactic Examination A space virgin, a private corporation and a British Knight would have you believe that tourists will soon be visiting space! NOT SO FAST! The details of any lie will destroy the illusion. The illusion at hand is space which is an idea implanted in the world mind through TV, books, media and movies. The illusion at hand is in a place called Truth or Consequences NM where a British Knight built a space port façade in a military controlled desert. Use your own human abil

CCR44 – Blowing up Boston smoke  bombing

Giving Boston the crow treatment. 

The Coming Police State Now that so many of us have caught on to the faked terror and shooting events, isn’t it time we do something? The Boston Bombing was designed to erode freedom in our minds which will be followed with an actual police state that is already in place. Wake up or sleep in chains. All designed systems have an outcome and Boston is no different. It is up to each of to make a difference. After all freedom is ensured by – JUST US. Subscribe to Crrow777’s Free RSS Feed False Flag,

CCR42 – Private Corporations and the Space Fraud Game – SpaceX

The Space Lie Continues Private Corporations like SpaceX and Virgin Galactic are moving in on the space fraud game to replace space agencies and privatize the space lie. Even the charge of national security is granted these billionaires. A brave new world approaches with private corporations holding the keys. What do we actually know about what is called space – Very little in my view. 

CCR41 – The International Space Station Does Not Hold Up to Scrutiny

Good discussion about how chrome a key can go wrong. 

The ISS Lie – Another NASA Mind Game The International Space Station is yet another NASA construct that does not hold up to scrutiny. Anyone can go look at the endless YT clips that have been created to show the video fraud we are handed to convince us the ISS is real. By the way, apparently anyone can be an astro-not these days – if – they are willing to lie for a living. Real things hold up when examined and the ISS is not one of those (real) things. 

CCR40 – No man on the moon ever

NASA Lied About the Moon Landings – It’s Provable The moon landings of the 60s & 70s are among the few false events we can prove. Knowing this also provides insight into other aspects of what is called space and low earth orbit. It seems, currently, that no one has ever been beyond our atmosphere and that space, Sun and Moon have been intentionally Misdescribed. In my view the moon is not a rock in space and could not be walked on even if man could get there. The moon is an illusion but not beca

Crrow and Changing Reason

Good interview with a very good youtuber. 

Seeing False News for what it is In this episode I meet someone who saw one of my false news clips and then began to research. He now sees the news for what it is and does his own research to help others see the light of day in the age of deception. We live in a peaceful world that is hidden behind false violence piped into every house every day by NEWS – North, East, West, South – Warping your mind in every direction. Subscribe to Crrow777’s Free RSS Feed False news, false flag, hoax, lies, med

Tavistock television 

Fantastic breakdown of the dangers of television. Crrow is far more than a lunar wave. 

The Social Engineering Device Called TV This episode addresses social engineering as delivered to the world by TV, movies, news & media. The Tavistock Institute is said to be one of the main players but now even the intelligence agencies and other powers are in on the game. All the way up to the royal families who claim they have the most ancient heritage in this world – like the Black Venetian Nobility. Nothing noble to see there I assure you. Subscribe to Crrow777’s Free RSS Feed

Crrow discusses daylight savings time. I don’t know why this simple concept gets the conspiracy treatment. The purpose is simply to move the increased daylight of summer into the evening to save power consumption. Most humans are active in the evening, so fewer lights/electricity will be needed thanks to the daylight.