Main list of psyops

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File:1836 the-great-moon-hoax-new-inhabitants-of-the-moon.png
Beavers on the Moon astronomy hoax

This is a list of psyops identified in the world. The list started with the work of UNreal at Fakeologist: Psyop Histogram[ab 1]

The list is far from complete, please help to expand it, either by working yourself on it, or by posting suggestions in the Discord chat, on the Fakeologist forum or blog.

List of psyops (383)

Year Date Type 1 Type 2 Official Name Perp/Group Description Fakeologist CF HB MM Other
year date [ab 2] [CF 1] [MM 1] [1]
0033 04/03 DCP myth creation Death of Jesus Christ Jesus Christ see: Death of Jesus Christ [MSM 1]
[MSM 2]
1190 03/16 massacre antisemitism
social scare
Clifford Tower massacre Christians 150 Jews, the entire jewish population of York, England were driven in the Clifford Tower and after a 6-day standoff most committed suicide, some were murdered outside. [MSM 3]
1349 01/09 massacre antisemitism Basel massacre Christians 900 jews get blamed for the Black Death and burnt to death on an island in the Rhine River, Basel, Switzerland. [MSM 4]
[MSM 5]
[MSM 6]
1543 01/09 psience vatican astronomy catholicism On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres Nicolaus Copernicus The book, first printed in 1543 in Nuremberg, Holy Roman Empire, was dedicated to Pope Paul III and offered an alternative model of the universe to Ptolemy's geocentric system, which had been widely accepted since ancient times. [MSM 7] [MSM 8]
1605 11/05 failed attempt
coup d'etat
myth creation Guy Fawkes Night See: Guy Fawkes Night Zal rule: V for Vendetta (2006) [CF 2] [MSM 9]
1616 04/23 DCP myth creation Death of William Shakespeare William Shakespeare (project) See: Death of William Shakespeare [MM 2]
1687 07/05 psience myth creation Gravity Isaac Newton Invention of the three universal laws of motion, and defininition of the law of universal gravitation [ab 3] [ab 4]
1692-93 fake sentence social scare Salem Witch trials See: Salem Witch trials [MM 3]
1756 01/27 DCP myth creation Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Wolfgang Mozart See: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart [POM 1]
[MSM 10]
1789 07/14 coup d'etat,
geopolitical French Revolution Napoleon Bonaparte French Revolution [MM 4]
1790 12/17 archeology his-story Discovery of the Aztec calendar stone Juan Vicente de Güemes, José Damián Ortiz de Castro See: Discovery of the Aztec calendar stone [MSM 11]
[MSM 12]
[MSM 13]
1796 05/14 medical scare smallpox Vaccination against smallpox Edward Jenner Edward Jenner injects first vaccine against smallpox in 8 year old boy, who doesn't die, in Britain. [ab 5] [CF 3] [HB 1] [MSM 14]
1821 05/05 DCP geopolitical Death of Napoleon Bonaparte Napoleon Bonaparte Napoleon, interned at St. Helena, Southern Atlantic allegedly dies. [ab 2] [MM 5] [MSM 15]
1824 psience myth creation, money scam Discovery of fossil bones William Buckland Buckland, president of the Geological Society of London, announced the discovery, at Stonesfield, of fossil bones of a giant reptile which he named Megalosaurus ('great lizard') and wrote the first full account of what would later be called a dinosaur. [ab 6] [ab 7] [CF 4] [MSM 16] [MSM 17]
1830 12/17 DCP geopolitical Death of Simón Bolívar Simón Bolívar See: Death of Simón Bolívar [MSM 18]
1832 secret society
geopolitical Skull & Bones William H. Russell & Alphonso Taft See: Skull & Bones [ab 8] [MSM 19]
1835 08/25-29 forgery
social scare
space travel
Beavers on the Moon astronomy hoax John Herschel
The New York Sun
5-day series of alleged sightings of bipedal beavers and batmen on the Moon, deliberately spread in media from South Africa. [HB 2]
[HB 3]
1840 06/10 assassination attempt Assassination attempt on Queen Victoria 1 Edward Oxford First of many assassination attempt on Queen Victoria in Britain. 18 year old perp declared "insane" and later moves to Australia. [MSM 20]
1843 01/20 assassination DCP Assassination of Edward Drummond Daniel M'Naghten Assassination of secretary Edward Drummond in Britain. [MSM 21]
1844 10/23 boat incident BBS Lucy Walker steamboat disaster See: Lucy Walker steamboat disaster [ab 9]
1845-50 11/03+ genocide geopolitical
money scam
Irish holocaust Queen Victoria,
Benjamin Disraeli a.o.
Depopulation of Ireland with estimated 5 million deaths by an induced potato famine, by Queen Victoria and the later "only jewish" Prime Minister of Britain, Benjamin Disraeli and Lord George Bentinck in Ireland. Important elements were the Corn Laws, the Maynooth Grant and the British "Relief" Association, founded by Lionel de Rothschild. [ab 10] [5][6]
[MSM 22]
[MSM 23]
[MSM 24]
[MSM 25]
[MSM 26]
[MSM 27]
1846-56 genocide geopolitical
money scam
Highland holocaust Depopulation and money scam similar to but smaller than the Irish holocaust, in Scotland. [MSM 28]
1853 01/06 train crash BBS Bennie Piece train disaster Franklin Pierce 11 year old son of Franklin Pierce, later 14th president of the US, killed in suspicious train crash in Massachusetts. [ab 11] [MSM 29]
1859 evolution psience Darwin's On The Origin Of Species Charles Darwin Darwin publishes the book On The Origin Of Species, presenting evolution theory.
1859 12/02 DCP war Death of John Brown John Brown, abolitionist Life and death of John Brown, agent. [MM 6]
[MM 7]
[MM 8]
[POM 2]
1865 04/14 assassination
myth creation
Assassination of Abraham Lincoln John Wilkes Booth See: Assassination of Abraham Lincoln [MM 6] [MSM 30]
[MSM 31]
1872 12/05 boat incident mystery Mystery of Mary Celeste Complete crew of the ship Mary Celeste disappears in the Atlantic Ocean, never to be found again. Zal rule: The Mystery of the Mary Celeste/Phantom Ship (1935), The Ship That Died (1938). Wallace rule: In Search of... (1980), The True Story of the Mary Celeste (2007). [ab 12] [MSM 32]
1876 06/25 war genocide Battle of Little Bighorn George Custer Custer's Last Stand [MM 9]
1881 10/26 mass shooting thug scare
social scare
OK Corral shooting Wyatt Earp and more 30 second shooting between "The Cowboys" and lawmen in Tombstone, Arizona, 3 deaths. Zal rule: Gunfight at the O.K. Corral (1957). [MM 10] [MSM 33]
1881 psience
controlled opposition
Ball Earth Skepticism Zetetic Astronomy - The Earth is not a Globe Samuel Rowbotham Publication, third edition, of the Flat Earth "bible" by inventor Rowbotham. [ab 13] [CF 5] [MM 11] [10]
1882 04/03 assassination
myth creation
thug scare
Assassination of Jesse James Robert Ford See: Assassination of Jesse James [MSM 34]
1888 01/13 psience his-story
National Geographic See: National Geographic [MSM 35]
1888-91 04/03-
serial killer myth creation
social scare
Whitechapel murders Jack the Ripper People murdered in Britain by "Jack the Ripper", probably the best known serial killer. [CF 6] [MM 12] [11]
[MSM 36]
1889 04/20 NaZionism geopolitical Adolf Hitler Adolf Hitler Birth of Adolf Hitler. [ab 14] [CF 7] [MM 13] [POM 3][POM 4]
[POM 5][12]
1892 08/04 murder social scare
Lizzie Borden axe murders Lizzie Borden Alleged axe murders of Abby & Andrew Borden. [MM 14]
1893 02/11 boat incident mystery Disappearance of SS Ironic See: Disappearance of SS Ironic [ab 8]
[ab 15]
[CF 8]
1894 10/13 antisemitism geopolitical Dreyfus affair Alfred Dreyfus Treason trial - Leaked French military secrets to Germany - France divided into 2 camps: pro-Army & Catholic's "anti-Dreyfusards"and pro-republican Dreyfusards [MM 15]
1894 11/21 massacre geopolitical Port Arthur massacre, China Japanese Army Between a few 100 and 60,000 [bizarre spread] people were killed over the course of 2 or 3 days [?] and 36 "spared", in Port Arthur, China. [ab 16] [MSM 37]
1898 12/21 psience fraud Radioactivity Marie Curie Pierre and Marie Curie Discover Radium & Radioactivity - fake images produced for schoolbooks
1905 psience
myth creation
hustler Albert Einstein E = mc² Introduces E = mc²,"a rare genius," who changed the field of theoretical physics, could not tie his own shoelaces accused stealing ideas of others [CF 9]
1912 04/14 boat incident
myth creation
money scam Sinking of the Titanic See: Sinking of the Titanic [ab 17] [CF 10]
1912 12/18 forgery psience Piltdown hoax Charles Dawson Bone fragments presented as fossilised remains of a previously unknown early human in the UK. [ab 18] [CF 11] [MSM 38]
1912 forgery mystery Voynich manuscript Wilfred Voynich Discovery of a mysterious manuscript, not decrypted until today in Italy. Probably forged by the finder, old book seller Voynich. [13]
1914 06/28 assassination,
Assassination of Franz Ferdinand Gavilo Princip Assassination of Archduke Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary in Sarajevo, Bosnia, start of World War I. [14]
1915 04/24 genocide geopolitical Armenian holocaust Ottoman Empire Alleged 1.5 million die, many fake pictures in several unofficial sites used to back up genocide. [MSM 39]
1915 05/07 boat incident geopolitical Sinking of LMS Lusitania Torpedoed by German U-boat U-20 on Friday 7 May 1915. Pretext of war for the US to enter World War I. [15]
1916 psience
myth creation
hustler Albert Einstein Relativity theory The Special and the General Theory gives an exact insight for those not conversant with the mathematical apparatus of theoretical physics [CF 12]
1917 02/23 revolution geopolitical February Revolution Revolutionaries
Petrograd garrison
The February Revolution begins in Russia. The demonstrations and armed clashes ultimately resulted in the demise of the Russian Empire. [16]
1917 10/25 revolution geopolitical October Revolution Bolshevik Party
Red Guards
Bolsheviks led an armed insurrection by workers and soldiers in Petrograd that successfully overthrew the Provisional Government, transferring all its authority to the soviets with the capital being relocated to Moscow [17]
1917 11/09 NaZionism geopolitical Balfour Declaration Rothschild family See: Balfour Declaration [18]
1920 10/17 DCP Death of John Reed John Reed See: Death of John Reed [MM 16] [MSM 40]
1922 11/04 archeology his-story Discovery of Tutankhamen Howard Carter Discovery of the sarcophagus and golden death mask in the tomb of Tutankhamen in Egypt. [ab 19] [HB 4] [20]
[MSM 41]
1923 social scare geopolitical Coudenhove-Kalergi plan Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi See: Coudenhove-Kalergi plan
[MSM 42]
1923 11/09 failed coup d'etat NaZionism Beer Hall Putsch Adolf Hitler & more Failed and staged coupe d'etat by Adolf Hitler/Schicklgruber and his buddies. [MM 17]
1924 01/21 DCP geopolitical Death of Vladimir Lenin Vladimir Lenin Death and life of agent Ulyanov in Moscow, Russia. [MM 18] [MSM 43]
1927 05/18 school bombing lone gunman Bath School massacre Andrew Philip Kehoe 55 year old ex-schoolteacher bombs school killing 44, after murdering his wife and commits suicide by bombing in Michigan. [MSM 44]
1927 psience space Big Bang theory Georges Lemaitre Invention of the Big Bang theory by Belgian priest. Zal rule: The Big Bang Theory sitcom. [MM 19]
[MM 20]
1929 10/24 social scare money scam Black Thursday Biggest (manufactured) stock market crash in history. [MSM 45]
1932-33 genocide geopolitical
money scam
Holodomor Josif Stalin Depopulation with estimated between 7 and 10 million deaths in Ukraine, Soviet Union. See also Irish holocaust and Highland holocaust. [CF 13] [MSM 46]
1933 01/30 geopolitical German Reich Hitler Reich Chancellor Paul von Hindenburg President Paul von Hindenburg appoints Adolf Hitler as Reich Chancellor of Germany who forms a government with Franz von Papen [MSM 47]
1933 02/27 fire NaZionism Fire of the Reichstag Marinus van der Lubbe Alleged fire of the Reichstag in Berlin, Nazi Germany, used to boost the 4 week fresh Nazi leader Adolf Hitler. Alleged perp Marinus van der Lubbe was a Dutch communist with 25% eyesight who may not even have been there. [MSM 48]
1934 05/23 mass shooting thug scare Bonnie & Clyde Bonnie & Clyde See: Bonnie & Clyde [POM 6]
1934 07/22 mass shooting thug scare Death of John Dillinger Dillinger Gang Depression-era gangster gets shot to death after robbing banks in Chicago, Illinois. [22]
[MSM 49]
1937 05/06 accident zeppelin crash Hindenburg disaster LZ 129 Hindenburg (airship) caught fire in its attempt to dock at the Lakehurst Naval Air Station, New Jersey. 97 passengers, 35 dead. [MSM 50]
1938 09/11 social scare antisemitism
Kristallnacht NSDAP Pogrom (a series of coordinated attacks) against jews throughout Nazi Germany and parts of Austria - false flag. [23]
1939 nuclear scare
war Manhattan project USA, Great Britain, Canada The Manhattan Project was a research and development undertaking during World War II that produced the first nuclear weapons. It was led by the United States with the support of the United Kingdom and Canada. Completed: December 31, 1946 [24]
1939 11/08 failed attempt NaZionism Bombing of Burgerbraukeller Georg Elser, Adolf Hitler and more The alleged (failed) bombing attempt at the life of Adolf Hitler and other Nazis during World War II in the Burgerbräukeller in Munich, Nazi Germany. Zal rule: Elser (2015) [MSM 51]
[MSM 52]
1940 April-
mass shooting geopolitical Katyn massacre NKVD Allegedly, 22,000 Poles were killed by the Soviet NKVD in Poland. [MSM 53]
[MSM 54]
1941 02/23 science
alchemical hustle Plutonium Glenn T. Seaborg Identification of Plutonium. The radioactive element plays an important role as nuclear fuel or in nuclear weapons. [MSM 55]
1941 09/11 masonic symbolism
geopolitical The Pentagon FDR Construction started 9/11/1941, the Pentagon was inspired by 32nd US president & 32nd degree mason FDR (building is completed 1/15/1943). [MSM 56]
1941 12/08 war geopolitical The Pearl Harbour Attack Japanese "Surprise" military strike conducted by the Imperial Japanese Navy at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii [MSM 57]
1942 01/20 Holocaust
Wannsee Conference Reinhard Heydrich
Adolf Eichmann
Meeting held in Berlin, Nazi Germany. The conference was planned by Reinhard Heydrich and attended by 14 other high-ranking Nazis. According to mainstream his-story, the conference was the onset for the "Final Solution", leading to the Holocaust Story. [25]
[MSM 58]
1943 01/07 DCP psience Death of Nikola Tesla Nikola Tesla Influential engineer found dead in his New York hotel Room 3327, 33rd floor. Zal rule: The Prestige (2006) [26]
[MSM 59]
1944 02/13-15 bombing NaZionism
Bombing of Dresden Royal Airforce, NSDAP [MM 21]
1945 01/27 NaZionism geopolitical Auschwitz Liberation Red Army See: Auschwitz Liberation [ab 20] [MSM 60]
1945 04/01 war geopolitical Battle of Okinawa Simon Bolivar Buckner Jr. and more Battle during World War II in the Ryukyu Islands, south of Japan. Zal rule: Hacksaw Ridge (2016) [MSM 61]
1945 04/30 DCP
NaZionism Suicide of Adolf Hitler Adolf Hitler and more See: Suicide of Adolf Hitler [MSM 62]
1945 05/29-
massacre geopolitical Kočevski Rog massacre Josip Tito Massacre in Croatia, truly gruesome story. [27]
1945 07/28 plane crash Empire State Building plane crash See: Empire State Building plane crash [CF 14]
1945 07/16 psience nuclear scare Trinity test US First detonation of a nuclear weapon. It was conducted by the United States Army at 5:29 a.m. on July 16, 1945, as part of the Manhattan Project. [ab 21] [ab 22] [CF 15] [CF 16]
1945 08/06 war nuclear scare bombing Bombing of Hiroshima US On August 6, 1945, an American B-29 bomber dropped the world’s first deployed atomic bomb over the Japanese city of Hiroshima. [ab 23] [ab 24] [ab 25] [ab 26] [ab 27] [CF 17]
1945 08/09 war nuclear scare bombing Bombing of Nagasaki US On August 9, 1945, Boeing B-29 Superfortress Bockscar, commanded by Major Charles Sweeney, departed from Tinian's North Field carrying a plutonium bomb, code named "Fat Man" which he dropped on Nagasaki [ab 23] [ab 28] [ab 29] [ab 26] [ab 30] [ab 31] [CF 17]
1946 01/22 social engineering geopolitical Foundation of the NIA Harry Truman Foundation of the NIA, precursor to the CIA. [MSM 63]
1946 02/15 technology social engineering ENIAC University of Pennsylvania Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer) was among the earliest electronic general-purpose computers made at University of Pennsylvania. [MSM 64]
1946 02/23 science
space travel
Operation Paperclip a.o. Wernher von Braun Around 1600 scientists and engineers imported to the United States from Nazi Germany, mainly for the space programs, but also viruses, chemical and biological warfare, etc. [28]
1946 07/22 bombing
NaZionism King David Hotel bombing Irgun July 22 12:37pm Deaths 91, Injured 46 in Jerusalem, Palestine. 65 years predating the Oslo and Utoya massacre. [MSM 65]
1946 07/25 nuclear scare geopolitical Bikini Atoll Test Bikini Atoll Test [MM 22]
1946 November archeology his-story Discovery of Dead Sea Scrolls Discovery of the oldest biblical texts by a shepherd only "identified" two years later in a cave in Israel. [29]
[MSM 66]
1947 06/25 propaganda
NaZionism Diary of Anne Frank Anne Frank, Otto Frank See: Diary of Anne Frank [CF 18]
[CF 19]
1947 07/07 psience
alien scare
myth creation
Roswell UFO incident RAAF officer Walter Haut press release states 509th Operations Group recovered a "flying disk" [MSM 67]
1948 01/27 narrative management programming
Smith-Mundt Act Karl E. Mundt
H. Alexander Smith
Signing of an act by president Harry Truman effectively legalizing the use of propaganda by the US government and blocking foreign broadcasts into the United States. [ab 32] [MSM 68]
1948 01/30 assassination geopolitical
Assassination of Mahatma Gandhi Nathuram Godse Assassination of Mahatma Gandhi, first leader of an independent India, shot at point-blank range by Nathuram Godse. [MM 23]
1950 01/12 boat incident Sinking of HMS Truculent Boat sinks at the River Thames, London, UK. [MSM 69]
1950 04/19 social scare LGBT Lavender scare Guy George Gabrielson
Roy Cohn
Social fearmongering program of the CIA, similar to Joseph McCarthy's anti-communist Red scare, where US American homosexuals were chased and targeted. [MSM 70]
1950 psience
myth creation
hustler PhD. John Forbes Nash Jr. John Forbes Nash Jr. See: PhD. John Forbes Nash Jr. [MSM 71]
[MSM 72]
1951 03/06 fake sentence nuclear scare
Rosenberg Trial Julius and Ethel Rosenberg Trial of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg for espionage for the Soviet Union, postprogramming for the atomic bomb. [ab 33] [CF 20]
[CF 21]
[MSM 73]
1952 11/01 nuclear scare geopolitical Hydrogen Bomb test See: Hydrogen Bomb test [CF 22] [32]
1957 11/03 space travel DCP Laika in Space dog Laika Soviets launch Laika, a dog into Space. [CF 23] [MSM 74]
1957 environmental scare
social engineering
money scam Anthropogenic Global Warming Al Gore
Maurice Strong
Publication of paper by Roger Revelle, Al Gore's mentor, that started the biggest hoax of all time. Revelle later lamented his conclusions and backed off from the movement. AGW was later pushed by Maurice Strong and then Al Gore. [ab 2] [CF 24] [33]
[MSM 75]
1958 02/06 plane crash team DCP
Manchester United Munich plane crash Busby Babes See: Manchester United Munich plane crash [ab 34]
[ab 35]
[MSM 76]
1959 02/03 plane crash team DCP
The Day The Music Died Buddy Holly, Ritchie Valens, Big Bopper Famous fatal plane crash of multiple musicians. Zal rule: The Buddy Holly Story (1976) [MM 24] [34]
[MSM 77]
1959 02/14 murder BBS Clutter family murders Perry Smith & Dick Hickock The rich Clutter family gets murdered by criminals in Kansas. Zal rule: In Cold Blood, book by Truman Capote, movie from 1967, movie Capote (2005), protagonized by Philip Seymour Hoffman. [POM 7]
[MSM 78]
1960 05/01 arrest Cold War 1960 U-2 incident Francis Gary Powers The arrest of Francis Gary Powers during the Cold War in Berlin, Eastern Germany. Zal rule: Bridge of Spies (2015) [MSM 79]
[MSM 80]
1960 10/12 assassination DCP Assassination of Inejiro Asanuma Otoya Yamaguchi Assassination of socialist party leader with a samurai knife, filmed live on TV in Japan. [MSM 81]
1961+ social scare cult Colonia Dignidad Paul Schäfer See: Colonia Dignidad [MSM 82]
1961 July social scare psience Milgram experiment Stanley Milgram Famous experiment where people received everytime heavier electric shocks at Yale University. [35]
[MSM 83]
1961 07/16 space travel
Cold War
Apollo program NASA Apollo ran from 1961 to 1972, with the first manned flight in 1968. See: Psyops in the United States, NASA fakery [ab 36] [CF 25]
1961 08/13 geopolitical
communist scare
Cold War Berlin Wall German Democratic Republic (GDR, East Germany) The Berlin Wall was a guarded concrete barrier that physically and ideologically divided Berlin from 1961 to 1989. [36]
1961 08/17 failed attempt
communist scare
Cold War
Bay of Pigs invasion John Fitzgerald Kennedy
Fidel Castro
Che Guevara
Failed "invasion" by 1,500 Cuban exiles easily defeated Cuban army by Apr. 20, most killed or captured in the south of Cuba, Bay of Pigs, part of the Cold War. [MM 25]
1962 08/05 DCP entertainment Death of Marilyn Monroe Marilyn Monroe Iconic actress, model, singer dies aged 36 from apparent suicide but her name is not in SSDI. [MM 26]
1962 10/14 nuclear scare
communist scare
Cold War
Cuban missile crisis John Fitzgerald Kennedy
Fidel Castro
Che Guevara
Regarded as the moment in which the Cold War came closest to turning into a nuclear conflict. [HB 5] [MM 27]
[MM 25]
1963 11/22 assassination
DCP Assassination of JFK Lee Harvey Oswald Assassination of John Fitzgerald Kennedy, Dallas. Zal rule: JFK (1991) [ab 37] [ab 38] [ab 39] [ab 40] [ab 41] [ab 42] [ab 43] [ab 44] [CF 26] [CF 27] [CF 28] [HB 6] [HB 7] [MM 27] [37]
[38] [39]
1963 11/22 forgery Staten Island Ferry octopus hoax Joe Reginella Prank/hoax of a non-existent attack by a giant octopus on the Staten Island Ferry claiming the lives of 400 people on the day of JFK's assassination. [MSM 84]
[MSM 85]
1964 11/12 DCP entertainment Death of Sam Cooke Sam Cooke Soul singer dies aged 33 on 11/12/64 (33).
1965 05/14 space psience Skylab NASA First US space station orbited the Earth from 1973 to 1979, and was initially launched by Saturn IB rocket (169,950 lb, 77,088 kg) [MSM 86]
1965 09/25 BBS entertainment In Cold Blood Truman Capote Truman Capote publishes the first part of In Cold Blood about the Clutter family murders (1959) in The New Yorker. Zal rule: In Cold Blood, movie from 1967, movie Capote (2005), protagonized by Philip Seymour Hoffman. [POM 7]
[MSM 87]
1965 forgery world exploration Vinland map Discovery of a mysterious map, proven fake. [ab 45]
1966 07/02 psience nuclear scare geopolitical Cold War Mururoa French nuclear weapons testing First French Nuclear test at Mururoa and Fangataufa atolls over a thirty-year period ending 1996 (200 nuclear tests, 46 atmospheric). [MSM 88]
1966 10/21 environmental scare social scare Aberfan disaster Mudslide in Aberfan, Wales, UK. [ab 46]
1967 10/09 execution DCP
Cold War
Execution of Che Guevara Ernesto 'Che' Guevara See: Execution of Che Guevara [MSM 89]
[MSM 90]
[MSM 91]
[MSM 92]
1968 02/01 murder geopolitical
Cold War
Execution of Nguyễn Văn Lém Nguyễn Văn Lém Nguyễn Văn Lém of National Liberation Front executed in Saigon, Vietnam [POM 8]
1968 04/04 assassination
controlled opposition
racial scare
Assassination of Martin Luther King James Earl Ray Martin Luther King Jr., American clergyman, prominent leader of the Civil Rights Movement and Nobel Peace Prize laureate, was fatally shot at the Lorraine Motel in Memphis. [ab 47] [CF 29] [MM 28]
1968 06/06 assassination DCP Assassination of RFK Sirhan Sirhan (sim?) RFK is one of only two sitting United States Senators to be assassinated, on 6/6 in Los Angeles, California. [CF 30] [MM 27]
1969 01/18 plane crash United Airlines Flight 266 Plane crash into Santa Monica Bay, California. [ab 48] [MSM 93]
1969 07/04 serial killer social scare Zodiac Killer Unidentfied killer named as The Zodiac Killer for series of murders in northern California 1969-70. [MM 12] [40]
[MSM 94]
1969 07/20 space travel entertainment Apollo 11 Neil Armstrong, Edwin Aldrin, Michael Collins, NASA Allegedly 2 men walked on the Moon, 360,000 kilometers from the Earth. Zal rule: For All Mankind (1989), and many more... [MSM 95]
1969 08/08 serial killer DCP Tate murders Charles Manson "The Manson Family" murders involving actress Sharon Tate in California. [CF 31] [HB 8] [MM 29] [POM 9]
1970 01/27 psience space Space-time singularity Stephen Hawking Theorem on space-time singularities. Zal rule: The Theory of Everything (2014) [CF 32] [MM 30] [MSM 96]
1970 02/21 plane crash bombing Swissair Flight 330 PFLP (denied) 38 passengers and 9 crew, total 47 die after bombing of Flight 330 in Switzerland. [MSM 97]
1970 03/05 controlled opposition social scare Declaration of War against the United States Weather Underground Declaration of War against the United States by radical left-wing group, the Weather Underground. [MSM 98]
1970 05/04 school shooting lone gunman Kent State University shooting Ohio National Guard The shooting of unarmed college students by the Ohio National Guard on Monday, May 4 in Ohio. [MM 31]
1970 08/16 plane crash lone survivor LANSA Flight 502 Juan Loo See: LANSA Flight 502 [MSM 99]
1970 09/18 DCP entertainment Death of Jimi Hendrix Jimi Hendrix Death of Jimi Hendrix, aged 27, famous guitar player in Britain. [ab 49]
[ab 50]
[MSM 100]
1970 11/14 team DCP
plane crash
sports Marshall University plane crash Marshall University football team Entire football team dies in a plane crash of Southern Airways Flight 932. Zal rule: We Are Marshall (2006) [41]
[MSM 101]
1971 07/03 DCP entertainment Death of Jim Morrison Jim Morrison The Doors singer found dead in a Paris apartment bathtub by his beard Pamela Courson in the United States. Zal rule: The Doors. [MM 32] [POM 10]
[POM 11]
1971 08/14 social scare psience Stanford prison experiment Stanford University Study of the psychological effects of becoming a prisoner or prison guard, conducted at Stanford University US Naval Research. Zal rule: Das Experiment (2001), The Stanford prison experiment (2014) [MSM 102]
1971 10/22 cop killing Cold War Murder of Norbert Schmid RAF Attempted rescue of Margrit Schiller, arrested for engaging in a shootout, led to killing of Sergeant Norbert Schmid, 33, becoming the first murder to be attributed to the RAF. See: Psyops in Germany, Cold war psyops
1971 11/24 hijacking BBS
D. B. Cooper D. B. Cooper Unknown man hijacks a plane, steals a lot of money and jumps out mid-flight with a parachute (!), never to be seen again.Zal rule: Prison Break, NewsRadio, Numb3rs, Without a Paddle (2004). Wallace rule: In Search Of... (1979). [MSM 103]
1971 12/22 cop killing Cold War Murder of Herbert Schoner RAF German Police officer Herbert Schoner, 32, was shot by members of the RAF in a bank robbery. See: Psyops in Germany
1971 12/24 plane crash lone survivor LANSA Flight 508 Juliane Koepcke See: LANSA Flight 508 [POM 12]
[MSM 104]
[MSM 105]
1972 01/26 plane crash lone survivor JAT Flight 367 Vesna Vulović See:JAT Flight 367 [MSM 106]
[MSM 107]
1972 02/02 bombing Cold War U.S. headquarters Frankfurt bombing RAF The Baader-Meinhof gang placed three pipe bombs at the United States headquarters in Frankfurt. The bombing resulted in the death of a U.S officer and the injury of 13 other people. The stated reason for the bombing was a political statement in protest of U.S imperialism. See: Psyops in Germany
1972 05/19 bombing Cold War Axel Springer Publishing Hamburg bombing RAF Six bombs were placed in the Axel Springer Publishing house in Hamburg. Only three of the six bombs exploded, but it was enough to injure 17 people. See: Psyops in Germany
1972 05/12 bombing Cold War Augsburg and Munich bombings RAF Bombing of a police station in Augsburg and the Bavarian State Criminal Investigations Agency in Munich. 5 police officers were wounded. Claimed by the Tommy Weissbecker Commando. See: Psyops in Germany
1972 05/16 bombing Cold War Federal Judge Buddenberg car bombing RAF Bombing of the car of the Federal Judge Buddenberg. His wife Gerta was driving the car and was wounded. See: Psyops in Germany
1972 05/24 bombing Cold War Campbell Barracks Heidelberg bombing RAF The group set several car bombs off at the Campbell Barracks in Heidelberg. The bombing resulted in the death of three U.S officers and the injury of five others. See: West-Germany
1972 06/08 propaganda geopolitical Napalm Girl Phan Thị Kim Phúc 9-year old girl running from Napalm bombing, World Press Photo from Vietnam [POM 13]
1972 09/05 mass shooting muslim scare 1972 Munich massacre Black September Palestinian terrorist group Black September attack Olympic Games Israelis in Munich, West-Germany [42]
1972 10/13 plane crash team DCP
Miracle of the Andes Plane with Uruguayan soccer players crashes in Chilean Andes, 16 survive for 72 days eating their dead friends. Zal rule: Alive! (1993) [44]
1973 04/10 plane crash Invicta Flight 435 Chartered shopping plane crash near Basel, Switzerland, of 145 people on board, 108 died, 37 survived. [ab 51] [MSM 108]
1973 08/23 hostage crisis
thug scare
social scare
Norrmalmstorg robbery Jan-Erik Olsson Bank robbery and hostage crisis in Stockholm, Sweden. During the hostage crisis the perp called Olof Palme. The origin of the term Stockholm syndrome. [ab 52] [MSM 109]
1974 02/04 kidnapping BBS Kidnapping of Patty Hearst Symbionese Liberation Army See: Kidnapping of Patty Hearst [MM 33]
1974 11/10 assassination
Cold War Assassination of Günter von Denkmann RAF After a string of events that led to the failed kidnapping of Günter von Denkmann, president of Germany's superior court of justice, he was assassinated. See: Psyops in Germany
1975 04/24 bombing Cold War Seizure of West German embassy in Stockholm RAF The group took hostages and set the building to explode. They demanded the release of several imprisoned members of the Baader-Meinhof gang. The government refused the request, which led to the execution of two of the hostages. See: Psyops in Germany
1975 07/30 BBS mystery Disappearance of Jimmy Hoffa Jimmy Hoffa Trade union leader involved with the mafia disappears. Zal rule: Blood Feud (1983), Robert Kennedy and His Times (1985), Hoffa (1992), Conspiracy (2015), The Irishman (2019). Wallace rule: In Search Of... (1980). [MSM 110]
1975 11/10 boat incident Sinking of Edmund Fitzgerald American Great Lakes freighter that sank in a Lake Superior storm, United States sinks and all 29 crew die. [ab 53]
1975 12/21 hostage crisis money scam OPEC Siege Carlos the Jackal See: OPEC Siege [MSM 111]
[MSM 112]
1976 02/05 medical scare vaccination 1976 swine flu outbreak H1N1 Outbreak of the swine flu, Influenza A virus subtype H1N1 at Fort Dix, New Jersey caused one death, hospitalized 13, and led to a mass immunization program. [MSM 113]
1976 04/01 technology monitoring Start of Apple Steve Jobs Steve Wozniak and Ronald Wayne establish Apple in Cupertino. Zal rule: Steve Jobs, Steve Jobs: The Man in the Machine (2015) [MM 34] [MSM 114]
[MSM 115]
1976 10/18 DCP Cold War Suicide of Ulrike Meinhof RAF Ulrike Meinhof, co-founder of the Red Army Faction (Rote Armee Fraktion or RAF) in 1970 was found hanged by a rope, fashioned from a towel, in her cell in the Stammheim Prison on 9 May 1976. See: Psyops in Germany
1976 09/10 & 09/11 hijacking bombing TWA Flight 355 Julienne Bušić See: TWA Flight 355 [ab 8]
[ab 54]
[MSM 116]
[MSM 117]
1977 04/07 assassination Cold War Assassination of Siegfried Buback RAF Assassination of the federal prosecutor-general Siegfried Buback. The driver and another passenger were also killed. Claimed by the Ulrike Meinhof Commando. This murder case was brought up again after the 30-year commemoration in April 2007 when information from former RAF member Peter-Jürgen Boock surfaced in media reports. See: Psyops in Germany
1977 07/30 assassination Cold War Assassination of Jürgen Ponto RAF Jürgen Ponto, head of Dresdner Bank, was shot and killed in front of his house in Oberursel in a botched kidnapping. Those involved were Brigitte Mohnhaupt, Christian Klar, and Susanne Albrecht, the last being the sister of Ponto's goddaughter. See: Psyops in Germany
1977 08/16 DCP entertainment Death of Elvis Presley Elvis Presley See: Death of Elvis Presley [MM 35] [MSM 118]
1977 09/05 kidnapping
Cold War Assassination of Hanns Martin Schleyer RAF Hanns Martin Schleyer, chairman of the German Employers' Association, is kidnapped and later (1977/10/18) shot. 3 police-officers and the driver are also killed during the kidnapping. See: Psyops in Germany
1977 09/22 cop killing Cold War Murder of Norbert Schmid RAF Arie Kranenburg (46), Dutch policeman, shot and killed by RAF Knut Folkerts outside a bar in Utrecht, Netherlands. See: Psyops in Germany
1977 10/13 hijacking Cold War Lufthansa Flight 181 Landshut hijacking PFLP Flight 181 from Palma de Mallorca to Frankfurt was hijacked and flown to Mogadishu, Somalia, demanding the release of prisoners. On 18 October, the plane was stormed in a seven-minute assault by GSG 9, an elite unit of the German federal police. All four hijackers were shot; three of them died on the spot. None of the passengers were seriously hurt. See: Psyops in Germany
1977 10/18 team DCP Cold War Suicide of Andreas Baader, Gudrun Ensslin and Jan-Carl Raspe RAF On the morning of October, 18 1977 it was announced that Gudrun Ensslin and Andreas Baader were dead, having committed suicide in the Stuttgart-Stammheim prison. It was also announced that Jan-Carl Raspe and fellow RAF prisoner Irmgard Möller had “attempted suicide.” Raspe subsequently died of his wounds. See: Psyops in Germany
1977 10/20 team DCP
plane crash
entertainment Lynyrd Skynyrd plane crash Ronnie Van Zant
Steve Gaines
Cassie Gaines
3 members of rock band Lynyrd Skynyrd die in a plane crash. [46]
[MSM 119]
1977 12/13 plane crash team DCP
Air Indiana Flight 216 See: Air Indiana Flight 216 [MSM 120]
1978 02/13 bombing geopolitical Sydney Hilton Hotel bombing unknown At meeting of political leaders, bombing injures 11 and kills 3; 2 garbage collectors and 1 policeman in Sydney, Australia. [MSM 121]
1978 03/16 kidnapping DCP
Kidnapping of Aldo Moro Brigate Rosse See: Kidnapping of Aldo Moro [CF 33] [MSM 122]
1978 09/24 cop killing Cold War Murder of Wilhelm Hans RAF In a shootout with police in a forest near Dortmund policeman Hans-Wilhelm Hans [69] was shot dead.
1978 11/01 cop killing Cold War Murders of Dionysius de Jong and Johannes Goemanns RAF Dionysius de Jong (19) was shot to death, and Johannes Goemanns (24) later died of his wounds, when involved in a gunfight with RAF members Adelheid Schulz and Rolf Heissler who were trying to cross the Dutch border illegally at Kerkrade, Netherlands.
1978 11/18 mass suicide DCP
Jonestown massacre Jim Jones Mass suicide of 918 people in Jonestown, Guayana. More info: Jonestown massacre [POM 14]
1979 01/29 school shooting lone gunwoman
Cleveland Elementary School shooting Brenda Spencer See: Cleveland Elementary School shooting [ab 55] [HB 9]
1979 02/14 kidnapping
Kidnapping of Adolph Dubs Settam-e-Melli, CIA Kidnapping and assassination of US Ambassador to Afghanistan in Kabul, Afghanistan. [MSM 123]
1979 06/25 assassination attempt Cold War Assassination attempt on Alexander Haig RAF Alexander Haig, Supreme Allied Commander of NATO, escapes an assassination attempt when a land mine blew up under the bridge on which Haig's car was traveling in Mons, Belgium. See: Psyops in Germany
1979 08/02 DCP
plane crash
sports Death of Thurman Munson Thurman Munson New York Yankees baseball player dies in a plane crash. [47]
[MSM 124]
1979 11/04 hostage crisis geopolitical US Embassy Iran hostage crisis Ruhollah Khomeini Longest hostage crisis in history, 444 days, US Embassy in Iran occupied. Zal rule: Argo (2012) [ab 56] [CF 34] [48]
[MSM 125]
[MSM 126]
1980 10/09 murder DCP Murder of John Lennon Mark David Chapman The Beatles singer John Lennon allegedly shot by Mark David Chapman at the entrance of the Dakota Building in New York City. [MM 36]
1981 08/07 assassination attempt Cold War Assassination attempt on John Toffton RAF USAF Security Police Officer Sgt. John Toffton was attacked in Kaiserslautern, Germany, by Christian Klar and Brigitte Mohnhaupt and unknown third party, he survived the attack. See: Psyops in Germany
1981 08/31 bombing Cold War 1981 Ramstein Air Base bombing RAF In Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany, a large car-bomb exploded in the HQ USAFE and HQ 4th ATAF parking lot of the Ramstein Air Base. See: Psyops in Germany
1981 09/15 assassination attempt Cold War Assassination attempt on Frederick J. Kroesen RAF US Army's West German Commander Frederick J. Kroesen survives attack by rocket propelled grenade attack in Heidelberg, Germany. Known involved RAF members: Brigitte Mohnhaupt, Christian Klar.
1982 03/05 DCP entertainment Death of John Belushi John Belushi Dies aged 33 from an overdose of cocaine with heroin. [49]
[MSM 127]
1982 07/02 sniper attack Cold War NATO-23 Sniper attack RAF Sniper attack against US Army Nuclear Storage Site NATO-23 in Nuremberg, Germany. Four civilians were killed the next day in an accidental shooting by American troops who had been placed on high alert after the attack. See: Psyops in Germany
1982 09/29 black marketing social scare Tylenol murders James Lewis In September 1982, seven people in Chicago, Illinois died after taking potassium cyanide-laced Tylenol capsules. Johnson & Johnson’s CCO Larry Foster and advisor Harold Burson counseled CEO James Burke through the crisis. Working with the police, FDA and media, they issued a nationwide recall, delivered warnings and created new tamper-proof packaging. Johnson & Johnson’s handling of the tragedy set a standard and remains a model for effective crisis response and corporate responsibility.
1982 12/06 massacre geopolitical Dos Erres massacre Guatemalan Army Massacre in Guatemala where a whole village got wiped out. [50]
[MSM 128]
1983 02/04 DCP suicide Death of Karen Carpenter The Carpenters Alleged suicide of Karen Carpenter of The Carpenters. [MM 37]
1983 11/09 kidnapping BBS Kidnapping of Freddy Heineken Freddy Heineken See: Kidnapping of Freddy Heineken [MSM 129]
[MSM 130]
1984 05/04 medical scare social scare AIDS Robert Gallo Filed a United States patent application for his invention, the HIV-AIDS Virus [CF 35] [POM 15]
1984 10/31 assassination DCP
Assassination of Indira Gandhi Beant, Kehar & Satwant Singh See: Assassination of Indira Gandhi [MSM 131]
1984 12/02 environmental scare Bhopal disaster The Bhopal disaster was a gas leak incident in India, considered the world's worst industrial disaster (3,787 die, 558,125 injured). [ab 57] [CF 36] [MSM 132]
1984 12/18 bombing Cold War NATO school Oberammergau bombing RAF attempt to bomb a school for NATO officers. The car bomb was discovered and defused. A total of ten incidents followed over the next month, against US, British, and French targets. See: Psyops in Germany
1984 12/20 fire train crash Summit Tunnel fire BritishRail See: Summit Tunnel fire [ab 58]
1985 02/01 assassination Cold War Assassination of Ernst Zimmerman RAF Ernst Zimmerman, Chairman of the Board of the Engine and Turbine Union (MTU) and Chairman of the German Aerospace Industry Association (BDLI), is shot in the head in his home. Zimmermann died twelve hours later. See: Psyops in Germany
1985 07/10 bombing, controlled opposition,
boat incident
nuclear scare,
Cold War
Sinking of the Rainbow Warrior French foreign intelligence services DGSE Operation by the Direction générale de la sécurité extérieure to sink the flagship of the Greenpeace fleet Rainbow Warrior in the port of Auckland, New Zealand on its way to a protest against a planned French nuclear test in Moruroa. Fernando Pereira, a photographer, drowned on the sinking ship. [ab 59] [CF 37]
1985 07/13 entertainment money scam Live Aid Bob Geldof See: Live Aid [ab 60] [CF 38] [HB 10] [MSM 133]
1985 08/08 bombing Cold War Rhein-Main Air Base bombing RAF Two people killed: Airman First Class Frank Scarton and Becky Bristol, a U.S. civilian employee who also was the spouse of a U.S. Air Force enlisted man. A granite monument marks the spot where they died. See: Psyops in Germany
1986 01/28 shuttle crash team DCP
space travel
Space Shuttle Challenger 7 victims inc. Christa McAuliffe, first teacher in space. All found to be alive afterwards. In 2012, Romney unveils Stars and Stripes that miraculously survived Challenger space shuttle disaster. [ab 61] [CF 39] [MSM 134]
1986 02/28 assassination DCP
Assassination of Olof Palme Christer Pettersson Swedish prime minister Olof Palme gets assassinated in Sweden. [MSM 135]
1986 04/05 bombing muslim scare La Belle discotheque bombing Libyan terrorists La Belle discothèque was bombed in West Berlin, West Germany (3 dead 230 injured) by Libyan secret service (trial 2001). See: muslim scare psyops [51]
1986 04/26 nuclear scare accident
Cold War
Chernobyl disaster Catastrophic nuclear accident that occurred at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant in Ukraine, Soviet Union. [ab 2] [CF 40]
[CF 41]
[MSM 136]
1986 07/09 assassination Cold War Assassination of Karl Heinz Beckurts RAF In Straßlach, near Munic, Siemens manager Karl Heinz Beckurts and driver Eckhard Groppler were assassinated. See: Psyops in Germany
1986 10/10 assassination Cold War Assassination of Gerold Braunmühl RAF Gerold Braunmühl, senior diplomat of the German Foreign Office, was shot by two people in front of his residence on Buchholzstraße, Bonn. See: Psyops in Germany
1987 03/06 boat incident Sinking of Herald of Free Enterprise Ferry Zeebrugge, Belgium - Dover, United Kingdom sinks and all 193 passengers and crew die. [ab 62]
1987 08/19 mass shooting lone gunman Hungerford massacre Michael Robert Ryan Guy kills 16 and wound 15 in Berkshire, UK [ab 63]
1988 03/11 coup d'etat geopolitical End of rule of Pinochet Augusto Pinochet Scrimmages after the end of rule of dictator Augusto Pinochet, who was placed in power by Henry Kissinger on 09/11, 1973, in Chile. Zal rule: No (2012) [MSM 137]
1988 07/06 fire environmental scare Piper Alpha collapse North Sea oil platform, north of Aberdeen, UK, collapses, possible psyop? [ab 64]
1988 12/21 plane crash
muslim scare
Lockerbie Bombing Libyan terrorists See: Lockerbie Bombing [ab 65] [52]
1989 01/24 execution DCP
serial killer
Execution of Ted Bundy Ted Bundy Execution of serial killer Ted Bundy. [MM 38]
1989 02/14 fatwa controlled opposition
muslim scare
Fatwa against Salman Rushdie Ayatollah Khomeini Fatwa issued against writer Salman Rushdie for his book The Satanic Verses (1988) by Ayatollah Khomeini of Iran. Del rule: appeared in The Ground Beneath Our Feet of U2. [MSM 138]
1989 03/01 rape social scare Glen Ridge rape Christopher Archer, Kevin Scherzer Mentally handicapped Glen Ridge "gang" raped by Christopher Archer and Kevin Scherzer ("Joke-er" in German). [MM 39]
1989 04/15 accident sports Hillsborough disaster Liverpool 96 people crushed to death because of too full pens at Liverpool-Sheffield Wednesday semi-final of FA cup in UK. [ab 66]
[ab 67]
[ab 68]
[ab 69]
[MSM 139]
1989 06/04 mass shooting geopolitical
Cold War
Tiananmen Square massacre See: Tiananmen Square massacre [POM 16]
1989 08/20 boat incident Marchioness disaster Two boats collide on the River Thames in London, UK, 51 people drown. [ab 70]
1989 09/22 accident money scam Mackinac Yugo accident Leslie Ann Pluhar See: Mackinac Yugo accident [POM 17]
1989 11/30 assassination Cold War Assassination of Alfred Herrhausen RAF In Bad Homburg vor der Höhe, Germany, a car bomb kills the chairman of Deutsche Bank Alfred Herrhausen. See: Psyops in Germany
1989 12/17 entertainment preprogramming The Simpsons Matt Groening First episode of The Simpsons, major pre-programming cartoon series. [MSM 140]
1989 12/25 execution Cold War Execution of Nicolae and Elena Ceaușescu Military Tribunal After a short trial held on 25 December 1989 by an Exceptional Military Tribunal, a drumhead court-martial created at the request of the Council of the National Salvation Front, former Romanian President and General Secretary of the Romanian Communist Party Nicolae Ceaușescu and his wife, Elena Ceaușescu were executed. [MSM 141]
1990 02/14 space travel Pale Blue Dot Voyager 1 Photograph of planet Earth taken on February 14, 1990, by the Voyager 1 space probe from a record distance of about 6 billion kilometers (3.7 billion miles, 40.5 AU), as part of the Family Portrait series of images of the Solar System. [MSM 142]
1990 02/14 plane crash pilot error Indian Airlines Flight 605 92 people die, 54 injured (of which 22 seriously) with crash of Flight 605 in India. [MSM 143]
1990 11/13-14 mass shooting cop killing Aramoana massacre David Malcolm Gray Guy shoots and kills 13, including a policeman in New Zealand. [CF 42] [MSM 144]
1991 02/13 sniper attack Cold War U.S. embassy Bonn attack RAF Three Red Army Faction members fired automatic rifles from across the Rhine River at the U.S. Embassy Chancery in Bonn, Germany. No one was hurt. See: Psyops in Germany
1991 03/03 beating racial scare Rodney King beating Black guy Rodney King beaten up in 33 blows by police in Los Angeles, California. [MSM 145]
1991 04/01 assassination Cold War Assassination of Detlev Karsten Rohwedder RAF Detlev Karsten Rohwedder, chief of the Treuhandanstalt, the agency that privatized the former East German enterprises after the German reunification is assassinated at his house in Düsseldorf, Germany. See: Psyops in Germany
1991 11/24 DCP
Death of Freddie Mercury Freddie Mercury Dies aged 46 of AIDS. [53]
[MSM 146]
1992 02/07 geopolitical Maastricht Treaty European Union Establishment of the Maastricht Treaty for the European Union, Maastricht, the Netherlands. [MSM 147]
1992 04/10 DCP
entertainment Death of Sam Kinison Sam Kinison Dies aged 38 in a car crash. [54]
[MSM 148]
1992 04/29-
riots racial scare Rodney King riots More than a year after Rodney King beating, riots in Los Angeles, California. 63 deaths, 2,383 injured, 12,111 arrests. [MSM 149]
1992 09/12 space travel racial scare First black woman in Space Mae Jemison First black woman in Space. Zal rule: Hidden Figures (2016) [MSM 150]
1993 02/26 bombing muslim scare 1993 WTC Bombing See: 1993 WTC Bombing, muslim scare [CF 43]
1993 03/27 bombing Cold War Weiterstadt prison sabotage RAF Explosives at the construction site of a new prison in Weiterstadt, Germany causes a damage of 123 million Deutschmarks (over 50 million euros). The attack caused a four-year delay in the completion of the site that was planned to open in 1993. See: Psyops in Germany
1993 02/28-
hostage crisis
mass shooting
Waco Siege David Koresh Siege at the Waco, Texas ranch where David Koresh and his alleged cult were killed and the complex burned. The Waco Massacre was the closing act of a 51-day siege took place from February 28th to April 19th, 1993. [ab 14] [CF 44] [MM 40] [POM 18]
1993 10/31 DCP entertainment Death of River Phoenix River Phoenix Alleged overdose death of actor River Phoenix. [MM 41]
1993 12/02 DCP war for drugs Death of Pablo Escobar Pablo Escobar See: Death of Pablo Escobar [57]
[MSM 151]
[MSM 152]
[MSM 153]
[MSM 154]
[MSM 155]
[MSM 156]
[MSM 157]
1994 02/26 DCP entertainment Death Bill Hicks, Birth Alex Jones
Bill Hicks/Alex Jones At age 32 from a very rare young-age pancreatic cancer Bill Hicks allegedly dies and makes room for Alex Jones to enter the stage 2 years later... [HB 11] [MM 42] [POM 19]
1994 07/02 DCP
sports Murder of Andrés Escobar Andrés Escobar After scoring an own goal at the FIFA World Cup in the United States, defense Andrés Escobar gets murdered in Medellín, Colombia. Zal rule: The Two Escobars (2010) [MSM 153]
1994 09/28 boat incident Sinking of MS Estonia MS Estonia ferry sinks after a collision within 50 minutes, taking down 852 people in the Baltic Sea [60]
1994 12/24 hijacking muslim scare Air France Flight 8969 Algerian terrorists 4 Algerian Islamic terrorists hijacks plane in Alger, lands in Marseille, France, where special forces raid the plane, 7 dead, 229 survivors. See: muslim scare psyops [MSM 158]
1995 01/14 DCP LGBT
Death of Mark Finch Mark Finch Mark Finch, gay with AIDS, commits suicide at age 33 in the UK. [MSM 159]
1995 02/05 mass shooting geopolitical Markale Market attack Army of the Republika Srpska Massacre on market in Sarajevo, Bosnia during Yugoslavian War. 68 people were killed and 144 more were wounded. [62]
[MSM 160]
1995 04/19 bombing HRDPR Oklahoma City bombing Timothy McVeigh Domestic terrorist bomb attack; Alfred P. Murrah Building, 9:02 AM CDT, deaths 168, injured 680+ in Oklahoma. [ab 14] [CF 44]
1995 11/04 assassination DCP Murder of Yithzak Rabin Yithzak Rabin Zionist terrorist kills Yithzak Rabin [MM 43] [63]
1996 01/16 hostage crisis boat incident Black Sea hostage crisis Chechen separatists Kidnapping of a ship on the Black Sea, Turkey. [64]
1996 04/03 bombing fake sentence Unabomber Ted Kaczynski FBI officers arrested Ted Kaczynski on April 3, is found guilty January 22, 1998. [MM 42]
1996 04/28-29 mass shooting lone gunman Port Arthur massacre, Australia Martin Bryant In a crowded restaurant, Martin Bryant killed 35 starting at 11:45 AM in Port Arthur, Australia, sentenced to 1035 years in prison. [ab 71]
[ab 72]
[MSM 161]
1996 06/26 assassination DCP Murder of Veronica Guerin Veronica Guerin, Irish crime reporter was murdered by drug lords at a red traffic light with six shots.
1996 07/17 plane crash TWA Flight 800 Passengers 212, crew 18, fatalities 230 (all). [ab 73] [CF 45]
1996 09/13 DCP
entertainment Death of Tupac Shakur Tupac Shakur Dies aged 25 after being shot. [65]
[MSM 162]
1996 12/25 murder DCP Murder of JonBenét Ramsey JonBenét Ramsey 6 year old child beauty peagant murdered. [POM 20]
1997 02/28 mass shooting thug scare North Hollywood shootout 2 (!!) bankrobbers rob bank in North Hollywood, police responds en masse, but is out of ammunition, goes into a gun store and buys more. Programming for heavier police weapons. Game rule: Grand Theft Auto V. [ab 15] [MSM 163]
1997 10/12 DCP plane crash Death of John Denver John Denver Denver was killed (53) when his experimental Rutan Long-EZ aircraft (reg. n° N555JD) crashed into the Pacific Ocean. [POM 21]
1997 11/22 DCP suicide Michael Hutchence suicide Michael Hutchence Found dead by autoerotic asphyxiation (hanging), born the 22nd, dead the 22nd possessing £22,000, memorial established in Sydney named "Here it is" [ab 74]
1997 12/18 DCP entertainment Death of Chris Farley Chris Farley Dies aged 33 from an overdose of cocaine with morphine. [66]
[MSM 164]
1998 01/17 propaganda social scare Monica Lewinsky scandal Bill Clinton Political Sex Scandal Leading To The Impeachment Of President Bill Clinton, news of the scandal first broke on the Drudge Report. [MM 44]
1998 10/06 murder social scare Matthew Shephard case Aaron McKinney, Russell Henderson Beating to almost death of gay. Eventually dies. [POM 22]
1999 01/31 entertainment preprogramming Family Guy Seth McFarlane First episode of Family Guy, major pre-programming cartoon series. [MSM 165]
1999 03/07 DCP entertainment Death of Stanley Kubrick Stanley Kubrick Movie director Stanley Kubrick dies, age 70, just 4 days after releasing his Freemasonry movie Eyes Wide Shut and 666 days before 9/11. [CF 46] [MSM 166]
1999 04/20 school shooting HRDPR Columbine High School shooting Dylan Klebold & Eric Harris See: Columbine High School shooting [ab 14] [CF 47]
[CF 48]
[POM 23]
1999 04/26 assassination DCP
Murder of Jill Dando TV host Jill Dando gets killed "live on TV". [ab 75]
2000-01 September murder social scare Lucia de Berk murders Lucia de Berk Allegedly a nurse killed 9 patients against their will, convicted and sentenced to life in fake trial, later acquitted. Zal rule: Lucia de B. (2014) [MSM 167]
[MSM 168]
2001 01/19 fake sentence thug scare
War For Drugs
Escape of El Chapo El Chapo Escape by El Chapo from prison in Mexico. [MSM 169]
2001 09/11 hijacking
plane crashes
muslim scare
9/11 Osama bin Laden/Al Qaeda See: 9/11 [ab 76] [CF 49] [HB 11]
[HB 12]
[HB 13]
2001 12/22 bombing failed attempt
muslim scare
Shoe Bomber Richard Reid Failed bomb attempt on American Airlines Flight 63 by Richard Reid with explosives contained in his shoes. [MSM 170]
2002 04/11 coup d'etat failed attempt 2002 Venezuelan coup d'etat Hugo Chavez Hugo Chavez "retakes" control of Venezuela after staged coup. [POM 24]
2003 02/01 space travel science Space Shuttle Columbia NASA Space Shuttle Columbia disintegrates on its way back to Earth. All 7 astronauts were killed in the disaster. [CF 50]
2003 02/14 psience social engineering Death of Dolly Dolly (sheep) Allegedly first cloned sheep Dolly dies, age 7. [MSM 171]
2004 02/04 technology monitoring Facebook Mark Zuckerberg Online social networking service founded by Mark Zuckerberg (possibly Jacob Michael Greenberg). Zal rule: The Social Network (2010) [MSM 172]
2004 03/11 bombing muslim scare
2004 Madrid bombing Al Qaeda Train at main station Atocha, Madrid, Spain gets bombed, 911 days after 9/11, 191 people die, 2050 injured. Next Spain pulls back troops from war in Iraq after elections. [CF 51]
2004 12/26 nature scare money scam
environmental scare
2004 Indian Ocean tsunami Most devastating tsunami in Earth's history, killing 230,000 people. Money scam follows and Zal rule: Lo imposible (2012) [ab 77] [MSM 173]
2005 02/14 monitoring entertainment YouTube Launch of YouTube (Phil Blanks: TheirTube) in California by Steve Chen, Chad Hurley & Jawed Karim. [MSM 174]
2005 02/14 assassination DCP
Assassination of Rafic Hariri Hezbollah Lebanese business tycoon and Prime Minister of Lebanon from 1992-98 & 2000-04 assassinated when explosives equivalent to around 1800 kg of TNT were detonated as his motorcade drove past the St. George Hotel in Lebanon. [MSM 175]
2005 07/07 bombing muslim scare 7-7 London bombings Al Qaeda Bombings in tube and bus in London, UK, muslim scare psyops. [CF 52] [HB 11]
2006 10/02 school shooting
hostage crisis
lone gunman West Nickel Mines shooting Charles Carl Roberts IV Hostages and shooting in a one room Amish school, Pennsylvania, school demolished a week later (Sandy Hoax anyone?). [67]
2006 10/04 propaganda, controlled opposition geopolitical, legend WikiLeaks Julian Assange (sim) See: WikiLeaks [ab 78] [CF 53] [MM 45]
[MM 46]
[MSM 176]
[MSM 177]
2007 07/17 DCP suicide Death of Jeremy Blake & Theresa Duncan Jeremy Blake & Theresa Duncan Alleged drowning of couple. [MM 47]
2008 01/22 DCP entertainment Death of Heath Ledger Heath Ledger Dies aged 28 a few months before the release of The Dark Knight with his portrayal of The Joker. Wins posthumous Oscar. [68]
[MSM 178]
2008 02/14 school shooting lone gunman Northern Illinois University shooting Steven Kazmierczak 6 (including perp) die, 21 injured at mass shooting at Northern Illinois University from 3:05 to 3:11 PM in DeKalb, Illinois. [MSM 179]
2008 11/26 bombing
mass shooting
muslim scare 2008 Mumbai terrorist attacks Members of Lashkar-e-Taiba, an Islamic terrorist organisation based in Pakistan, carried out a series of 12 coordinated shooting and bombing attacks lasting four days across Mumbai. See: geopolitical psyops, muslim scare psyops
2009 01/15 plane crash miracle Hudson Hoax "Hero" pilot lands in Hudson River, 2016 movie with Tommie Hanks (Zal rule). [CF 54]
2009 03/11 school shooting lone gunman Winnenden school shooting Tim Kretschmer 17 year old kills 17 people (including himself) at a school in Winnenden, Germany. [MSM 180]
2009 12/25 failed attempt bombing
muslim scare
Underwear Bomber U.A. Mutallab Convicted of attempting to detonate plastic explosives hidden in his underwear while on board Northwest Airlines Flight 253. [CF 55] [69]
2010 04/10 plane crash team DCP
Polish Air Force Tupolev Tu-154 aircraft crash Victims were: President of Poland Lech Kaczyński, his wife Maria, former President Ryszard Kaczorowski, chief of Polish General Staff, other senior Polish military officers, president of National Bank of Poland, Polish Government officials, 18 members of Polish Parliament, senior members of Polish clergy and relatives of victims of the Katyn massacre. geopolitical psyops [ab 79] [CF 56]
2010 04/20 environmental scare money scam Deepwater Horizon oil spill BP See: Deepwater Horizon oil spill [CF 57]
2010 05/06 plane crash geopolitical Nigel Farage plane crash Nigel Farage, UKIP leader crashes his plane in the UK. [70]
[MSM 181]
2010 05/30 military attack muslim scare Mavi Marmara raid IDF Raid of ship off the coast of Gaza Strip by IDF. muslim scare psyops [71]
2010 08/05 accident Mining accident Chile 33 Chilean miners rescued after 69 days trapped in the 121-year-old San José copper–gold mine, 3 miles from the entrance, Chile. Zal rule: The 33 (2015) [MSM 182]
2011 01/01 bombing muslim scare Alexandria church bombing Army of Islam 23 killed and 97 injured by bomb at 00:20 when Christian Copts were leaving the New Year mass in Alexandria,. See: Egypt, muslim scare psyops. [CF 58]
2011 03/11 nuclear scare earthquake Fukushima disaster tsunami 9.0 (Mw) undersea earthquake at 14:46:23, 15,883 dead, 6146 injured, 2654 missing. Prescriptive programming: "mutated" tomato+tobacco (tomacco) plants in The Simpsons (1999). [CF 59]
2011 04/11 bombing muslim scare Minsk Metro bombings Bombing in the metro at 5:56 pm, killing 15, injuring 204 people in Minsk, Belarus, muslim scare psyops. [CF 60]
2011 05/02 execution DCP
muslim scare
Execution of Osama bin Laden Tim Osman Alleged ambush and execution of Osama Sim Laden by Navy Seals in his house in Pakistan. Body dumped in ocean, because, what else... Zal rule: Zero Dark Thirty (2012). See: muslim scare psyops [MSM 183]
2011 07/22 mass shooting
lone gunman Oslo and Utoya massacre Anders Breivik (sim?) 65 years to the day after King David Hotel bombing, Anders Breivik kills 77 children at Utoya island and blasts bombs in center of Oslo, Norway. Publishes manifesto of 1500 pages. [CF 61]
2011 10/28 school shooting lone gunman Cape Fear high school shooting Patrick Dean Lowrance School shooting in South Carolina. Prescriptive programming as Zal rule: Cape Fear (1991) [CF 62]
2011 12/24 mass shooting muslim scare December 2011 Boko Haram terror Boko Haram At least 50 dead at terrorist attack in Nigeria. See: muslim scare psyops [CF 63]
2012 01/01 mass shooting muslim scare January 2012 Boko Haram terror Boko Haram At least 50 dead at terrorist attack in Nigeria. See: muslim scare psyops [CF 63]
2012 01/13 boat incident Sinking of Costa Concordia Francesco Schettino Costa Concordia capsizes and partially sank when it ran aground with the loss of 32 lives near Isola del Giglio, Tuscany, Italy. [CF 64]
2012 01/27 fire social scare KISS discotheque fire 242 die and 630 wounded in discotheque fire in Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil [CF 65]
2012 02/11 DCP entertainment Death of Whitney Houston Whitney Houston Born August 9th, Whitney Elizabeth Houston (48) allegedly dies the 11th from drugs, in a bathtub - fake images of dead Whitney. [MSM 184]
2012 02/22 DCP war Death of Marie Colvin Marie Colvin War correspondent, ex-Yale, first to have interviewed Moammar Khaddafi after operation El Dorado Canyon, dies in Syria. [CF 66]
2012 03/11
mass shooting muslim scare Toulouse and Montauban attacks Mohammed Merah Alleged shootings between March 11 (33) and March 22 (66) in southern France against jewish vicsims. See: muslim scare psyops [CF 67]
2012 06/18 bombing muslim scare June 2012 Boko Haram bombing Boko Haram At least 50 dead at a church bombing in Nigeria. See: muslim scare psyops [CF 63]
2012 07/20 mass shooting lone gunman Aurora cinema shooting James Eagan Holmes Mass shooting occurred during premiere Batman movie in theater 9 at the Century 16 multiplex, 12 dead, 70 injured [ab 80] [CF 68] [HB 11]
2012 09/11 war assassination
muslim scare
Benghazi attack Christopher Stevens The attack on Benghazi, Libya. Zal rule: 13 Hours (2016). See: muslim scare psyops [MSM 185]
[MSM 186]
2012 12/11 mass shooting lone gunman
no motive
Clackamas Mall shooting Jacob Tyler Roberts 22 year old kills 2 people in a shopping mall outside of Portland, Oregon. [ab 81] [MSM 187]
2012 12/14 school shooting lone gunman Sandy Hoax Adam Lanza The most ridiculous hoax around, with horrible crisis actors, stupid stories, woke up a lot of people. [ab 82]
[ab 83]
[ab 84]
[CF 69] [HB 14]
[HB 11]
[MM 48]
[MM 49]
[MM 50]
2013 01/11 DCP controlled opposition Death of Aaron Swartz Aaron Swartz Internet "activist" Aaron Swartz (Harvard, Stanford) allegedly commits suicide after being chased by CIA in New York City. Zal rule: The Internet's Own Boy: The Story of Aaron Swartz (2014) [MSM 188]
[MSM 189]
2013 02/02 murder DCP Murder of Chris Kyle Eddie Ray Routh Iraq war sniper gets killed by his friend at shooting range in Texas. Zal rule: American Sniper (2015). Company Kyle worked for involved in Boston Bombings two months later. [HB 11] [MSM 190]
2013 03/30 school shooting muslim scare March 2013 Boko Haram shooting Boko Haram At least 50 dead at a shooting in Nigeria. See: muslim scare psyops [CF 63]
2013 04/15 bombing muslim scare Boston Bombings Joker Tsarnaev Pressure-cooker bombs go off at the finish line of the Boston Marathon. Few days later chase, brother sim Tsarnaev killed and Joker arrested when hiding in a boat. Zal rule: Patriots Day (2017). See: muslim scare psyops [ab 14]
[ab 85]
[CF 70] [HB 11]
[HB 15]
[MM 51]
[MM 52]
[POM 25]
2013 05/08 school shooting muslim scare May 2013 Boko Haram shooting Boko Haram At least 50 dead at a shooting in Nigeria. See: muslim scare psyops [CF 63]
2013 05/22 knife attack muslim scare Lee Rigby machete attack Michael Adebolajo In Woolwich, London, United Kingdom a Nigerian, AdEbolajo, cuts the head of soldier Lee Rigby. [ab 86] [CF 71]
2013 06/06 propaganda technology monitoring controlled opposition Edward Snowden Edward Snowden (sim) Snowden reveals sensitive information as NSA employee about the abuses of the American government as controlled opposition. Zal rule: Citizenfour (2014) [CF 53]
[CF 72]
[MM 45] [73]
[MSM 191]
2013 06/21 murder
social scare
war for drugs Watson Case James 'Terry' Watson Kidnapping and murder of DEA agent James 'Terry' Watson in the uptown district of Bogotá, Colombia. Zal rule: El caso Watson (2017) [MSM 192]
2013 08/21 transgender agenda technology monitoring controlled opposition Bradley Manning Bradley Edward/Chelsea Manning Procecuted for 22 charges in March 2011, including "aiding the enemy", sentenced August 2013 to 35 years imprisonment, changed gender & became Chelsea. [CF 53] [MM 45] [POM 26]
2013 08/21 chemical scare muslim scare Syria Sarin gas attack Bashir al-Assad 1429 dead (men and children, no women) at a sarin nerve gas attack, even the mainstream denied this happened in Syria. See: muslim scare psyops [ab 87]
2013 09/25 mass shooting muslim scare Kenya Westgate Mall shooting Mass shooting in Kenya. [ab 88] [CF 73]
2013 09/29 school shooting muslim scare Nigeria school shooting Boko Haram At least 50 dead at a school shooting in Nigeria. See: muslim scare psyops [ab 89] [CF 63]
2013 12/29 bombing terror Volgograd bombings suicide bomber The attack killed 17 people and injured 45 others, The very next morning, at rush hour, a tram carrying Volgograd commuters was blown up in front of a busy market, killing 15 people and injuring 23 others.
2014 02/02 DCP entertainment Death of Philip Seymour Hoffman Philip Seymour Hoffman Actor Philip Seymour Hoffman (46) allegedly dies because of heroine overdose, won Oscar for movie Capote (2005), about Truman Capote who published In Cold Blood (1965-66) about the Clutter family murders. [POM 7]
[MSM 193]
2014 03/08 plane crash mystery MH370 Boeing 777 en route from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing with 227 passengers and 12 crew on board, disappears from radar over the Gulf of Thailand. [ab 73] [CF 74]
[CF 45]
2014 04/16 boat incident BBS Sinking of MV Sewol Yoo Byung-Un Ferry that allegedly sank between mainland South Korea and Jeju Island, owner fled the scene to disappear mysteriously, his name... You Buying On... [ab 90] [MSM 194]
2014 05/23 mass shooting lone gunman Isla Vista killings Elliot Rodger [ab 91] [CF 75] [MM 53] [MSM 195]
2014 05/24 mass shooting muslim scare Jewish museum Brussels attack Mehdi Nemmouche 4 people killed in an attack on a Jewish Museum in Brussels, Belgium. See: muslim scare psyops [CF 76]
2014 07/17 plane take down geopolitical Flight MH17 Ukrainian separatists Ukrainian separatists shoot down Malaysia Airlines flight 17 from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur over eastern Ukraine. [ab 92] [CF 77]
2014 10/22 mass shooting muslim scare Parliament Hill shooting Michael Zehaf-Bubeau (sim) Allegedly a muslim convert shoots 1 person dead at Parliament Hill, Ottawa, Canada. Perp does not appear in online databases. [74]
[MSM 196]
2014 12/15 hostage crisis muslim scare Sydney Siege Man Haron Monis 3rd Psyop for Australia (MH17, MH370 and the Siege), anything to distract the people of Australia from Tony Abbot PM low ratings. [CF 78] [75]
2014 12/16 school shooting muslim scare Peshawar school shooting Noah Pozner Mass shooting at school in Peshawar, Pakistan, Noah Pozner vicsim photo of Sandy Hoax reused. See: muslim scare psyops [CF 79]
2015 01/07 mass shooting muslim scare Charlie Hebdo attacks Saïd & Chérif Kouachi The board of Charlie Hebdo, comic, gets killed as terrorists struck office. Also attack on jewish supermarket in and near Paris, France. See: muslim scare psyops [ab 93] [CF 80] [MSM 197]
2015 01/29 failed attempt social scare Attempt in NOS studio Tarik Z. 19-year old student with fake gun enters NOS studio and blacks out news, publishes letter blackwashing "conspiracy theorists" on the Mediapark in Hilversum, the Netherlands. [ab 94]
2015 02/04 plane crash TransAsia Flight 235 TransAsia plane cuts through a bridge, 9/11 style and crashes into Taipei River, Taiwan. [ab 73]
[ab 95]
[CF 45]
[CF 81]
[MSM 198]
2015 02/14-15 mass shooting
muslim scare Copenhagen cartoonist shooting Omar Abdel Hamid El-Hussein 3 die, 5 injured at mass shooting directed to islam-critical cartoonists in Copenhagen, Denmark. [MSM 199]
2015 03/18 mass shooting
muslim scare Tunisia museum attack ISIS Attack on museum, Tunisia. See: muslim scare psyops [CF 82]
2015 03/24 plane crash pilot suicide Germanwings Flight 4U9525 Andreas Günter Lubitz Copilot deliberately crashes plane from Barcelona to Germany in Alps, France. [CF 83]
2015 06/17 mass shooting
gun regulation
lone gunman Charleston mass shooting Dylann Storm Roof Mass shooting in Charleston. 9 blacks killed while praying in church. [MM 54]
2015 06/26 mass shooting
muslim scare Tunisia beach attacks On a beach in Tunisia, two gunmen kill several people. See: muslim scare psyops [ab 96] [CF 84]
2015 08/26 mass shooting
gun regulation
lone gunman Roanoke mass shooting Vester Lee Flanagan Mass shooting in Roanoke. Alison Parker and Adam Ward killed. [MM 54]
2015 09/04 knife attack
social scare
social scare São Paulo knife attack Attack of a guy with a knife in the center of São Paulo, Brazil (biggest city in South America). [CF 85]
2015 10/31 plane crash Metrojet Flight 7K9268 Plane from Sharm-al-Sheikh to St. Petersburg crashes in Sinai Desert, Egypt at Halloween. [ab 97]
2015 11/13 mass shooting
muslim scare Paris Bataclan & Stadium attacks Bataclan theater, football stadium, Friday the 13th in Paris, France. See: muslim scare psyops [ab 98]
[ab 99]
[CF 86] [HB 7]
2015 12/02 mass shooting
gun regulation
lone gunman San Bernardino attack Mass shooting in San Bernardino, California. [CF 87] [76]
2016 01/10 DCP entertainment Death of David Bowie David Robert Jones David Bowie, famous glamrock music idol dies @ 69, 2 days after his birthday & the release of his 25th album 'Black Star' in New York City. [ab 100]
[ab 101]
[ab 102]
[CF 88]
2016 01/23 medical scare money scam Zika Rockefeller Foundation
Bill Gates
Zika medical scare starts in Brazil, then Colombia and then United States. [ab 103]
[ab 104]
[ab 105]
[ab 106]
[CF 89] [POM 27]
[POM 28]
[POM 29]
[POM 30]
[POM 31]
2016 03/22 bombing
muslim scare Brussels Airport bombing ISIS Bombing at Zaventem airport of Brussels, Belgium. Easter (Ostara) attacks, 22nd (2x11), initial reports 11 dead, 81 injured, 2nd blast happened at 9:11 am, Zaventem airport is 11 km (7 mi) NE of Brussels, 322 Skull and Bones reference. See: muslim scare psyops [CF 90] [79]
2016 03/29 hijacking
muslim scare Egypt Air Flight 181 Seif Eldin Mustafa Plane with 56 passengers, total 63 on board all survived this hijacking in Egypt, Seif El Din means "Sword of the Faith", Mamluk sultans and Arab-Israeli politician named so too. [CF 91]
2016 06/01 school shooting lone gunman
gun regulation
UCLA mass shooting Mainak Sarkar Maniac (sorry Mainak) Sarkar allegedly kills 2 others and himself at UCLA, California. [CF 92]
2016 06/12 mass shooting
social scare
racial scare
gender agenda
Pulse Nightclub shooting Omar Mateen Mass shooting in a gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida. [ab 107] [CF 93] [MM 55] [80]
2016 06/16 murder DCP
Murder of Jo Cox Thomas Mair English MP Jo Cox gets murdered, just a week before the Brexit referendum. [ab 108] [CF 94]
2016 06/28 mass shooting muslim scare Atatürk Airport attack Attack on Atatürk Airport, Istanbul, Turkey. Bombs and shootings. See: muslim scare psyops [CF 95] [82]
2016 07/07 cop killing racial scare Cop killing Dallas 11 cops killed by 2 snipers at 7-7-16 (7) in Dallas, Texas. [83]
2016 07/12 train crash Andria-Corato train collision [CF 96]
2016 07/14 truck attack
muslim scare Bastille Day Nice truck attack Mohamed Lahouaiej-Bouhlel Truck in Nice, southern France kills people on Bastille Day. Apart from Bono, whorenalist Richard Gutjahr was present, just as at the Olympia Shopping Mall attacks one week later in Munich. See: muslim scare psyops [ab 109]
[ab 15]
[CF 97] [84]
2016 07/18 knife attack
racial scare
muslim scare Würzburg train attack Riaz Khan Ahmadzai aka Muhammad Riyad 17 year old asylum seeker wounds 20 people with knife and axe on train in Würzburg, Germany. See: muslim scare psyops [87]
2016 07/22 mass shooting
mall shooting
muslim scare Olympia Mall shooting In the Olympia Mall, München, Germany, an 18 year old kills several people. Whorenalist Richard Gutjahr was present, just as at the Bastille Day Nice truck attack a week earlier. See: muslim scare psyops [ab 15] [CF 98] [88]
2016 08/30 cop killing social scare Christiania mass shooting Mesa Hodzic Bosnian-Danish muslim kills two cops and one civilian in hippie community Christiania, Copenhagen, Denmark. [POM 32]
2016 11/28 plane crash team DCP
LaMia Flight 2933 Chapecoense soccer team Almost the full soccer team of Chapecoense, scheduled to play the final of the Copa Libertadores (South American Champions League) against Nacional in Medellín, Colombia. Just a few miles before landing, it was out of kerosine and crashed in a remote mountain. [CF 99]
2016 12/19 truck attack muslim scare Berlin Christmas market truck attack Anis Amri See: Berlin Christmas market truck attack, See: muslim scare psyops [CF 100] [89]
2016 12/19 assassination
muslim scare Assassination of Russian ambassador to Turkey Mevlüt Mert Altıntaş Andrei Karlov, the Russian Ambassador to Turkey, was fatally shot by an off-duty Turkish police officer, Mevlüt Mert Altıntaş, on the evening of 19 December 2016 at an art exhibition in Ankara, Turkey. [CF 101] [90]
2016 12/25 DCP entertainment Death of George Michael Georgios Kyriacos Panayiotou Last Christmas singer George Michael (53) dies conveniently on Christmas day. [ab 110]
2016 12/25 plane crash team DCP Russian Defence Ministry plane crash Alexandrov Ensemble 92 people on board of Russian military plane die when it crashes in Syria. "Faking it" is flashed on Russia Today on screen. Charlie Hebdo published cartoons mocking the crash. [91]
[MSM 200]
2017 01/01 mass shooting
muslim scare Istanbul gay nightclub shooting People shot at gay nightclub in Istanbul, Turkey with New Year. See: muslim scare psyops
2017 01/08 truck attack
muslim scare Truck attack Jerusalem Fadi al-Qanbar A truck driven by an Arab citizen of Israel plowed into a group of uniformed IDF soldiers disembarking from a bus killing four and injuring 15 in Jerusalem, Israel. See: muslim scare psyops [POM 33]
2017 03/22 truck attack
muslim scare Westminster car attack Truck plowed into a group of people in Westminster, London, United Kingdom. Vicsim under the bus called A. Frade. See: muslim scare psyops [CF 102] [92]
2017 04/03 bombing
muslim scare St. Petersburg metro bombings Bombs go off in St. Petersburg metro, Russia, 16 people died, 64 injured. See: muslim scare psyops [93]
2017 04/07 truck attack
vehicle regulation
muslim scare
social scare
Stockholm beer truck attack Rakhmat Akilov A muslim terrorist in a beer truck (!?) hits people in Stockholm, Sweden. Kills 5 and injures 16. See: muslim scare psyops [CF 103] [94]
2017 05/16 fake sentence
controlled opposition
social scare
Horst Mahler arrest Horst Mahler Former RAF founder and bank robber, now pro-Nazi "Alt-Right" sentenced to 3.5 years in prison in Germany. [96]
2017 05/18 car attack
vehicle regulation
Times Square car attack Car mows down people at Times Square, New York. [CF 104]
2017 05/22 bombing
black marketing
muslim scare Manchester Arena bombing Ariana Grande At Ariana Grande concert, Manchester, United Kingdom, people killed by bombs. See: muslim scare psyops [CF 105]
2017 06/14 fire social scare Grenfell Tower inferno Fire kills 71, 74 injured, people throwing babies from 11th floor in London, UK [ab 111] [CF 106] [HB 16]
2017 08/12 car attack social scare
controlled opposition
Charlottesville protest car attack James Alex Fields Car with 11-11 license plate crashes killing a woman and 2 more through crowd at Antifa-Alt Right protests in Charlottesville, Virginia [MM 56]
2017 08/17 truck attack
vehicle regulation
muslim scare Ramming at the Ramblas ISIS On 17-8-17 (8-8-8) a truck driver kills people at the Ramblas, Barcelona, Spain, and terrorists in the La Boquería market (deserted!!). See: muslim scare psyops [97]
2017 10/01 mass shooting
lone gunman
social scare
gun regulation
Las Vegas shooting Stephen Paddock Terror attacks on country festival, Las Vegas, deadliest attack on US American ground since 9/11 [ab 112]
[ab 113]
[CF 107] [HB 17]
[HB 7]
[MM 57] [POM 34]
2017 October social scare BBS Harvey Weinstein case Harvey Weinstein See: Harvey Weinstein case [MM 58] [MSM 201]
2017 10/31 car attack
vehicle regulation
muslim scare Manhattan car attack Car mows down people at Halloween in Manhattan, New York. See: muslim scare psyops [99]
2017 11/01 mass shooting
mall shooting
lone gunman
gun regulation
2017 Thornton shooting Scott Ostrem Shooting, 3 dead, in WalMart, near Denver, USA. [POM 35]
2017 11/05 mass shooting
church shooting
lone gunman
gun regulation
Sutherland Springs church shooting Devin Patrick Kelley Man enters church in Texas and kills 27 people, including himself. [ab 114] [HB 18] [100]
[MSM 202]
2017 11/15 boat incident mystery Disappearance of San Juan submarine Submarine with 44 crew on board of the Argentinian Navy gets lost and allegedly implodes within 40 milliseconds in the Atlantic Ocean. [ab 115]
2017 12/11 bombing
failed terror attack
muslim scare 2017 Pipe bombing NYC Akayed Ullah Pipe bomb in underground tunnel, detonated prematurely, 3 wounded in New York City. See: muslim scare psyops
2017 12/21 car attack
vehicle regulation
social scare 2017 Melbourne car attack 2 arrested Car rans into pedestrians, 14 injured, no terrorism suspected, in Melbourne, Australia.
2017 12/31 plane crash BBS Beaver seaplane crash Sydney Cousins family See: Beaver seaplane crash Sydney [ab 116]
2018 01/13 plane crash Trabzon plane dangling Plane skids off runway in Trabzon, Turkey. [ab 117]
[ab 118]
[MSM 203]
2018 02/11 plane crash Saratov Airlines Flight 703 Plane with 71 people on board allegedly drops burning from the sky, crashing in a snowy field, 80 km SE of Moscow, 5 minutes into the flight in Russia. [ab 119] [MSM 204]
2018 02/14 school shooting lone gunman Parkland school shooting Nic(h)/kola(us) Cruz 19 year old kills 17 and wounds 14 at school shooting in Florida. [ab 15] [CF 108] [MM 59] [POM 36]
[MSM 205]

See also



  1. Fakeologist: Psyop histogram
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 [ - 1]
  3. Fakeologist: The Gravity Myth
  4. Fakeologist: Gravity crashes, sinks and stinks
  5. - Smallpox, polio and other manufactures plagues
  6. Fakeologist: Dinosaur stories
  7. Fakeologist: Fakeosaurus
  8. 8.0 8.1 8.2 - Audio Chat 402
  9. - Lucy Walker steamboat disaster - Gaia
  10. Kham radio with Delcroix and Rollo - Irish holocaust
  11. - Bennie Pierce train disaster
  12. [ - Mary Celeste]
  13. - Flat Earth
  14. 14.0 14.1 14.2 14.3 14.4 - Audiochat 04/20 2015 - Waco, Columbine, OK city, Boston Bombing, Hitler
  15. 15.0 15.1 15.2 15.3 15.4 Fakeologist Audio Chat 430 - Faye & Gaia on the HRDPR in Florida and more
  16. Fakeologist blog - Port Arthur massacre, China
  17. Fakeologist - FAC91 - Titanic
  18. Animal Species Hoax - Unreal
  19. [ - Tutankhamen hoax]
  20. - David Cole in Auschwitz
  21. Fakeologist: Trinity – busted: Mathis on the nuke hoax
  22. Fakeologist Radio: ep140-Clues Quiz #3-The Nuke Hoax
  23. 23.0 23.1 The Nuke Hoax Quiz
  24. The Nuke Hoax Thread
  25. Much more on the nuke hoax
  26. 26.0 26.1 Japan is nuclear lies central
  27. -Nuclear Tree
  28. Nuclear Atom Bombs are a Hoax
  29. Nuclear weapons made in Hollywood
  30. -Our Science is Cartoons
  31. - This is your atomic life
  32. Fakeologist blog - NDAA 2012 neutralized Smith-Mundt Act
  33. - Rosenberg Trial
  34. - Forum - Manchester 1958
  35. - Audio - Manchester 1958
  36. Fakeologist: CCR40 – No man on the moon ever
  37. - Ab talks about JFK
  38. - The Zapruder Film Featured a Dummy
  39. - JFK Masonic Hoax
  40. - The Fake Zapruder Film
  41. - Blue Moons JFK Book is out
  42. - Max on JFK (audio)
  43. - Deconstructing JFK with Simon Shack (audio)
  44. - JFK Talk on Radio Fakeologist (audio)
  45. Fakeologist forum - History of World Exploration - Gaia
  46. - Aberfan disaster
  47. - Preservation of Legacy
  48. Fakeologist forum - United Airlines Flight 266
  49. - Hendrix Hoax
  50. Fakeologist Audio Chat - Hendrix Hoax
  51. - Invicta Flight 435
  52. [ - Stockholm Syndrome]
  53. - Edmund Fitzgerald
  54. - TWA Flight 355
  55. - The grandmother of school shootings - TomD27
  56. - US Embassy Iran hostage crisis 1979-1981
  57. [ - not yet]
  58. - Summit Tunnel fire - Gaia
  59. Fakeologist: Kham Radio
  60. [ - 3]
  61. - There Is No Island
  62. - Herald of Free Enterprise
  63. - Hungerford massacre
  64. - Piper Alpha disaster
  65. - Lockerbie images
  66. Fakeologist forum - Hillsborough disaster 1
  67. Fakeologist forum - Hillsborough disaster 2
  68. Fakeologist forum - Hillsborough disaster 3
  69. Fakeologist forum - Hillsborough disaster 4
  70. - Marchioness disaster
  71. Fakeologist blog - Port Arthur massacre, Australia
  72. Fakeologist Audiochat 42 - Rollo
  73. 73.0 73.1 73.2 Clues Chronicle 24 - plane psyops
  74. - Michael Hutchence
  75. - Assassination of Jill Dando
  76. - 9/11 bullet points
  77. Fakeologist - The 2004 December 26 tsunami
  78. - Julian Assange
  79. Fakeologist - 2010 Polish Air Force Tu-154 crash
  80. - New dimension to Aurora psyop
  81. Fakeologist Audio Chat 423 - Kham and Roch3llo
  82. - Nobody Died at Sandy Hoax
  83. - Sandy Hoax Redux with John Friend
  84. - Sandy Hoax Deconstructed
  85. - Steve Silva
  86. - Lee Rigby machete attack
  87. - Syria Sarin gas attack
  88. - Kenya Westgate shooting
  89. - 50 dead again in Nigeria
  90. - You Buying On? - BBS - Bizarre Billionaire Stories - MV Sewol sinking 04/16 2014
  91. [ - 1]
  92. - MH17
  93. - Charlie Hebdo attacks
  94. - NOS studio attempt
  95. - TransAsia plane crash
  96. - ISIS beach massacre, Tunisia
  97. - Halloween Aircrash 2015 – Metrojet Flight 7K9268
  98. - Paris attacks
  99. - Forum - Paris attacks
  100. - David Bowie psyop
  101. - Secker on celebrity worship and Bowie
  102. - CRR11-Zack and Crrow
  103. - Zika! Time to revisit the virus hoax
  104. - Zika is a cover story for a pesticide - Audiochat
  105. - Zika pesticide cover hoax
  106. - Zika is fear programming
  107. - The Florida Nightclub Massacre
  108. - Jo Cox murder
  109. - Bastille Day Nice truck attack
  110. - DCP George Michael
  111. - Grenfell Tower inferno
  112. - Las Vegas
  113. Fakeologist AC 377 - John Adams on Vegas
  114. - Side Thorn journalist
  115. - Potpourri of sub fakery
  116. - Suspicious seaplane crash Sydney - Xileffilex
  117. Fakeologist blog - Trabzon plane dangling
  118. Fakeologist forum - Trabzon plane dangling
  119. Fakeologist forum - Saratov Airlines Flight 703


  1. [ Cluesforum - 1]
  2. Cluesforum - Guy Fawkes Night
  3. Cluesforum - History of vaccination
  4. Cluesforum: The (non-religious) dinosaur hoax question
  6. Cluesforum - Jack the Ripper and the Whitechapel murders
  7. Cluesforum - Successful Nazis
  8. Cluesforum - SS Ironic - Gaia
  9. Cluesforum: Einstein and other gods of science
  10. Cluesforum - Titanic
  11. Cluesforum - Piltdown Man - Lost World
  12. Cluesforum: Einstein and other gods of science
  13. Cluesforum - Holodomor
  14. Cluesforum - Empire State Building plane crash
  15. Cluesforum: Radiation; the truth, the lies, the fear
  16. Cluesforum: Radiation; the truth, the lies, the fear
  17. 17.0 17.1 Cluesforum: The Nuke Hoax
  18. Cluesforum - Diary Anne Frank 1
  19. Cluesforum - Diary Anne Frank 2
  20. Cluesforum - Rosenberg Trial 1
  21. Cluesforum - Rosenberg Trial 2
  22. Cluesforum - Hydrogen Bomb test
  23. Cluesforum - Laika
  24. Cluesforum - Global Warming Chasing Ice
  25. Cluesforum: APOLLO HOAX mother of media fakery
  26. Cluesforum - Was JFK murdered?
  27. Cluesforum - JFK Zapruder, a proven fake
  28. Cluesforum - Clues Chronicle 7 - JFK
  29. Cluesforum - The Assassination of Martin Luther King
  30. Cluesforum - The Robert F. Kennedy "assassination"
  31. Cluesforum - Myth of the Serial Killer
  32. Cluesforum - Stephen Hawking
  33. Cluesforum - Murder of Aldo Moro
  34. Cluesforum - US Embassy Iran hostage crisis 1979-1981
  35. Cluesforum - AIDS
  36. [ Cluesforum - not yet]
  37. Cluesforum: Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior
  38. [ Cluesforum - 3]
  39. Cluesforum - Challenger
  40. Cluesforum - Chernobyl Elephant Foot
  41. Cluesforum - Chernobyl Death Toll
  42. Cluesforum - Aramoana massacre
  43. 1993 WTC truck bomb event
  44. 44.0 44.1 Cluesforum - Waco & Oklahoma City
  45. 45.0 45.1 45.2 Clues Chronicle 24 - plane psyops
  46. Cluesforum - Kubrick, Hollywood, Moon Hoax
  47. Cluesforum - Columbine & Virginia Tech
  48. Clues Chronicle 16 - Columbine
  49. September Clues
  50. Clues Forum: ENDEAVOUR - and the spaced-out NASA efforts
  51. Cluesforum - 11-M
  52. Cluesforum - London 7/7 Fake Terror
  53. 53.0 53.1 53.2 Cluesforum - WikiLeaks, Anonymous et al.
  54. Cluesforum - Hudson Hoax
  55. Cluesforum - Underwear Bomber
  56. Cluesforum - Polish Air Force Tupolev crash
  57. Cluesforum - BP Oil spill
  58. Cluesforum - Alexandria church bombing
  59. Cluesforum - Fukushima
  60. Cluesforum - Minsk Metro bombings
  61. Cluesforum - Breivik Utoya and Oslo attacks
  62. Cluesforum - Cape Fear high school shooting
  63. 63.0 63.1 63.2 63.3 63.4 63.5 Cluesforum - Nigeria terror ("50 dead")
  64. Cluesforum - Costa Concordia
  65. Cluesforum - KISS disco fire
  66. Cluesforum - Death of Marie Colvin
  67. Cluesforum - Toulouse & Montauban attacks
  68. Cluesforum - Aurora Theater Shooting
  69. Cluesforum - Sandy Hook
  70. Cluesforum - Boston bombings
  71. Cluesforum - Lee Rigby machete attack
  72. Cluesforum - The age of simulation - Snowden
  73. Cluesforum - Kenya Westgate
  74. Cluesforum - MH370
  75. Cluesforum - Santa Barbara killings
  76. Cluesforum - Jewish museum Brussels attack
  77. Cluesforum - MH17
  78. Cluesforum - Sydney Siege
  79. Cluesforum - Peshawar school shooting
  80. Cluesforum - Charlie Hebdo attacks
  81. Cluesforum - TransAsia Flight 235
  82. Cluesforum - Tunisia museum attack
  83. Cluesforum - Germanwings Flight 9525
  84. Cluesforum - Tunisia beach attacks
  85. Cluesforum - São Paulo knife attack
  86. Cluesforum - Paris attacks
  87. Cluesforum - San Bernardino attack
  88. Cluesforum - David Bowie
  89. Cluesforum - Zika
  90. Cluesforum - Zaventem airport attacks
  91. Cluesforum - Egypt Air Flight 181
  92. Cluesforum - UCLA mass shooting
  93. Cluesforum - Orlando Pulse shooting
  94. Cluesforum - Jo Cox murder
  95. Cluesforum - Atatürk Airport attack
  96. Cluesforum - Andria-Corato train collision
  97. Cluesforum - Bastille Day Nice truck attack
  98. Cluesforum - Olympia Mall shooting
  99. Cluesforum - LaMia Flight 2933
  100. Cluesforum - Berlin Christmas market truck attack
  101. Cluesforum - Russian ambassador killed in Turkey
  102. Cluesforum - Westminster truck attack
  103. Cluesforum - Stockholm Truck Terror
  104. Cluesforum - Times Square car attack
  105. Cluesforum - Ariana Grande concert bombing
  106. Cluesforum - Grenfell Tower inferno
  107. Cluesforum - Las Vegas
  108. Cluesforum - Parkland school shooting


Piece of Mindful

  1. W.A. Mozart an early version of Elon Musk - Piece of Mindful
  2. John Brown, agent provocateur - Piece of Mindful
  3. The Hitler Project - Pasewalk Idyll, by Tyrone McCloskey - Piece of Mindful
  4. The Hitler Project - Hitlers Sizzle Reel, by Tyrone McCloskey - Piece of Mindful
  5. The Hitler Project - Building the Crib, by Tyrone McCloskey - Piece of Mindful
  6. Vintage Psy-opera Bonnie & Clyde - Tyrone McCloskey - Piece of Mindful
  7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 Cold Blood and Weak Tea, by Tyrone McCloskey - Piece of Mindful
  8. The execution of Nguyễn Văn Lém: Another Famous Photo Fake - Piece of Mindful
  9. Death of Charles Manson - Piece of Mindful
  10. The strange saga of Morrison and Courson, by Mark Tokarski - Piece Of Mindful
  11. Fun with photo analysis, by Mark Tokarski - Piece Of Mindful
  12. Little Werner Needs to Lie, by Tyrone McCloskey - Piece of Mindful
  13. Phan Thị Kim Phúc: Another long-running psyop - Piece of Mindful
  14. Jonestown massacre - Piece of Mindful - Gaia
  15. AIDS - Piece of Mindful
  16. Tiananmen Square protests, by Mark Tokarski - Piece of Mindful
  17. Mackinac Machinations, by Maarten Rossaert - Piece of Mindful
  18. The Waco Massacre: Wanton destruction of a movie set, by Mark Tokarski - Piece of Mindful
  19. Bill Hicks became Alex Jones: Case Closed - Piece of Mindful
  20. JonBenét Ramsey - Piece of Mindful
  21. John Denver Hoax - Piece of Mindful
  22. Matthew Shephard killing looks like another hoax - Piece of Mindful
  23. Columbine, a tragedy without tears - Piece of Mindful
  24. The 2002 Venezuelan manufactured coup d'etat - Piece of Mindful
  25. Boston Marathon DaveMcGowan and limited hangouts - Piece of Mindful
  26. The Bradley Manning saga - Piece of Mindful
  27. Zika: 4,180 becomes 270 becomes 6 - Piece of Mindful
  28. PhRMA: Please send money to fight Zika - Piece of Mindful
  29. Zika is currently on the back burner, but will rise again - Piece of Mindful
  30. Keeping track of the Zika hoax: More hocus pocus - Piece of Mindful
  31. Zika hoaxers are doubling down - Piece of Mindful
  32. Christiania shooting appears false flag - Piece of Mindful
  33. Notes on "Operation Fantasy Land", by Josh - Piece of Mindful
  34. What happens in Vegas... - Piece of Mindful
  35. Fake shooting event in Denver - Piece of Mindful
  36. Ditto? - Piece of Mindful

Miles Mathis

  1. [ Miles Mathis - 1]
  2. Miles Mathis - Shakespeare: Intel Project
  3. Miles Mathis - Salem Witch trials
  4. Miles Mathis - French Revolution
  5. Miles Mathis - Was Napoleon Jewish?
  6. 6.0 6.1 Miles Mathis - Abraham Lincoln hoax and more
  7. Miles Mathis - Obama and more
  8. Miles Mathis - Mark Twain and more
  9. Miles Mathis - Custer's Last Stand
  10. Miles Mathis - OK Corral shooting
  11. Miles Mathis - SpaceX is fake, and so is Flat Earth
  12. 12.0 12.1 Miles Mathis - The Zodiac Murders and others were Faked
  13. Miles Mathis - Hitler's Genealogy
  14. Miles Mathis - Lizzie Borden Axe Murders
  15. Miles Mathis - Dreyfus affair, by Josh
  16. Miles Mathis - John Reed faked both his life and death
  17. Miles Mathis - Beer Hall Putsch
  18. Miles Mathis - Vladimir Lenin is another fake
  19. Miles Mathis - Hubble
  20. Miles Mathis - Inflation
  21. Miles Mathis - Dresden
  22. Miles Mathis - Bikini Atoll Test
  23. Miles Mathis - Was the fakir a faker? - Josh
  24. Miles Mathis - The Day The Music Lied
  25. 25.0 25.1 Miles Mathis - Fidel Castro - CIA agent
  26. Miles Mathis - Marilyn Monroe's Death was faked
  27. 27.0 27.1 27.2 Miles Mathis - The Hidden Kings
  28. Miles Mathis - Martin Luther King
  29. Miles Mathis - Tate murders
  30. Miles Mathis - Stephen Hawking
  31. Miles Mathis - The Kent State Massacre Never Happened
  32. Miles Mathis - Opening Doors
  33. Miles Mathis - The Patty Hearst Kidnapping was Faked
  34. Miles Mathis - Steve Jobs - bold, brilliant, brutal, fake
  35. Elvis Aron Presley - Intelligence Project
  36. Miles Mathis - Proof that John Lennon Faked his Death
  37. Miles Mathis - Karen Carpenter faked her death
  38. Miles Mathis - Who is Ted Bundy?
  39. Miles Mathis - Glen Ridge rape
  40. Miles Mathis - MLK & David Koresh
  41. Miles Mathis - Death of River Phoenix
  42. 42.0 42.1 Miles Mathis - Unabomber
  43. Miles Mathis - Josh - Rabin
  44. Miles Mathis - The Monica Lewinsky Scandal was faked
  45. 45.0 45.1 45.2 Miles Mathis - Learn to recognize government disinformation
  46. Miles Mathis - Mainstream press - Rolling Stones & WikiLeaks
  47. Miles Mathis - The "artists" Duncan and Blake faked their deaths
  48. Miles Mathis - The Alleged Sandy Hook Tragedy
  49. Miles Mathis - Sandy Hook Conspiracy Theories Debunked? No.
  50. Miles Mathis - A Sandy Hook Follow-up
  51. Miles Mathis - Boston bombings - fences
  52. Miles Mathis - Boston bombings - trial
  53. Miles Mathis - The Santa Barbara shooting is another transparent hoax
  54. 54.0 54.1 Miles Mathis - Charleston & Roanoke hoaxes
  55. Miles Mathis - The Orlando Pulse Shooting was another Hoax
  56. Miles Mathis - Charlottesville car attack
  57. Miles Mathis - Las Vegas
  58. Miles Mathis - Tying Harvey Weinstein to the Las Vegas Event
  59. The Parkland School Shooting: Another See-through Psy-Op


  1. [ Other website - 1]
  2. Discussion about the "existence" of Mozart - RedIce Radio
  3. The Mozart Myth - Gaia
  4. Mental Floss - Beavers on the Moon
  5. [1] - Henri Makow
  6. Chris Fogarty - The Irish Holocaust
  7. The Great Starvation - Re-defining The Irish Famine
  8. Aaron Tallent - Franklin Pierce train accident
  9. Carl Anthony - Franklin Pierce accident
  10. Zetetic Astronomy - The Earth is not a Globe
  11. The Moors Murders & Jack the Ripper: Masonic Ritual
  12. Hitler & NSDAP just as zionist-controlled as the marxists - NaZionism - Gaia
  13. The Voynich Manuscript - a forgery? - Gaia
  14. Was Gavrilo Princip an agent? - Vexmans Thoughts
  15. "Sinking" of RMS Lusitania - Gaia
  16. History: February Revolution 1917
  17. Wikipedia: October Revolution
  18. The Jewish Hand in the World Wars - 1 - Inconvenient History
  19. The Jewish Hand in the World Wars - 2 - Inconvenient History
  20. Youtube - The Great Tutankhamen Hoax - Was the Tomb of King Tut Faked?
  21. Christoph Poth - Einstein's Universe without Big Bang
  22. Dillinger's death: is my favorite marketing story a fake?
  23. CODOH - Kristallnacht
  24. Wikipedia: Manhattan project
  25. Jewish Conspiracy Theory, the Eichmann Testimony and the Holocaust, by Paul Grubach - Inconvenient History
  26. Nikola Tesla Mythology - John Le Bon
  27. Kočevski Rog massacre - Vexman's thoughts
  28. Wikipedia - Operation Paperclip
  29. Dead Sea Scrolls a Hoax?
  30. National Vanguard - Anne Frank Hoax Exposed
  31. Der Himmelstern - Anne Frank Diary Fraud Finally Admitted
  32. Youtube - Hydrogen Bomb test
  33. Freedomain Radio - Central Global Warming topic - Gaia
  34. The Day the Music Lied
  35. Milgram obedience experiment - delcroix
  36. Wikipedia: Berlin Wall
  37. JFKTV book - Tyrone Mccloskey
  38. JFK TV - Tyrone McCloskey - Piece of Mindful
  39. The Zapruder film is just a photographic cartoon - Proper Gander
  40. Thomas Henry Horan on the Myth of the Zodiac Killer
  41. The Marshall University Fake Plane Crash
  42. Munich Olympic Games attack another hoax - Vexman's Thoughts
  43. Olympic Games Munich attack - Hoaxfinder
  44. Miracle of the Andes - Vexman's Thoughts
  45. TWA 355 Hijacking, Fake Bombs, and Terrorist Love Triangle - The Four Horses Asses of the Apocalypse
  46. Lynyrd Skynyrd Fake Plane Crash
  47. Did Thurman Munson Fake His Death?
  48. Iran Hostage Crisis
  49. John Belushi Died At Age 33 Or Was It A Fake Death?
  50. This American Life - What happened at Dos Erres?
  51. La Belle attack, first casus belli against Ghaddafi - Vexman's Thoughts
  52. Lockerbie PanAm Flight 103 - Vexman's Thoughts
  53. Freddie Mercury Faked His Death
  54. Sam Kinison Faked His Death
  55. Waco FAKE Massacre #1 - "Raid Day" Fake Deaths - Jungle Surfer Edit
  56. Waco FAKE #2 - Judgement Day
  57. [ Will look into that one] - Gaia
  58. Bill Hicks Faked His Death But He Isn't Alex Jones
  59. Alex Jones is Bill Hicks - very extensive research - Mack Quigley
  60. The M/S Estonia Accident Investigation 1994-1997 - Heiwaco
  61. The M/S Estonia Accident investigation - Heiwaco
  62. Zakleo - Markale Market attack
  63. Murder of Rabin - Cutting through the Fog
  64. Black Sea Hostage Crisis - Gaia
  65. Did Tupac Shakur Fake His Death?
  66. Chris Farley Died At Age 33 Or Did He Fake His Death?
  67. West Nickel Mines shooting - Gaia
  68. Did Heath Ledger Fake His Death?
  69. Let's Roll Forum - Underwear Bomber Hoax Exposed - Xileffilex
  70. Youtube - Hoax buster - Plane crash hoax of UKIP's Nigel Farage
  71. Mavi Marmara raid - Cutting through the Fog
  72. Dave McGowan - Boston bombings
  73. Who is Edward Snowden? - Jon Rappoport
  74. Canadians Won't Fall For This PSYOP
  75. Australian Roundtable at Youtube
  76. Lift the Veil - San Bernardino Hoax
  77. Zika: biggest news service in America absolutely clueless - Jon Rappoport
  78. Zika: Who launched the fake-epidemic story in Brazil? - Explosive: The invention of an epidemic - Jon Rappoport
  79. Brussels explosions analysis - Gaia
  80. Orlando Florida Gay Club Shooting - Real or Hoax? - John Le Bon
  81. Shooting at Gay Nightclub - Gaia
  82. Istanbul Airport attack, real or hoax? - John Le Bon
  83. Mass shooting in Dallas - Gaia
  84. Bastille Day Nice truck attack - John Le Bon
  85. Bastille Day Nice truck attack - Gaia
  86. 86.0 86.1 Richard Gutjahr - "journalist" liar schmuck - Gaia
  87. About 20 people injured Würzburg train attack - Gaia
  88. Olympia Mall München shooting - Gaia
  89. Berlin Christmas market attack - Gaia
  90. Russian ambassador shot dead during art exhibition in Turkey - Gaia
  91. Russia Today Flashes "FAKING IT" During Russian Plane Crash Coverage
  92. London Westminster truck attack photo and story analysis
  93. St. Petersburg metro bombings - Gaia
  94. Zakleo - Stockholm hoax
  95. Stockholm Beer Truck Attack - Gaia
  96. Horst Mahler (81) will have to go to prison again - Gaia
  97. Ramming at the Ramblas - Gaia
  98. Notes on the Route 91 Shooting on 10/1 - Cutting through the Fog
  99. Manhattan Halloween car attack
  100. Good video exposing the liars
  101. Youtube - Sutherland Springs Charges Filed Against Crisis Actors

Mainstream links

  1. The Passion of the Christ - IMDB
  2. Risen - IMDB
  3. New Historian - Clifford Tower massacre
  4. Wikipedia - Basel massacre
  5. From Black Death to Blood Libels: The Jews did it
  6. - 1349 burning of the jews in Switzerland
  7. On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres. Norimbergae: apud Ioh. Petreium, 1543. 6, 196 numbered leaves, tables, diagrams
  8. Wikipedia: Pope Paul III
  9. V for Vendetta - IMDB
  10. Amadeus - IMDB
  11. Wikipedia - Aztec calendar stone
  12. Wikipedia - Juan Vicente de Güemes (es)
  13. Wikipedia - José Damián Ortiz de Castro (es)
  14. Wikipedia - Invention of the vaccine
  15. Wikipedia - Napoleon
  16. Wikipedia: William Buckland
  17. Wikipedia: Geological Society of London
  18. Wikipedia - Death of Simón Bolívar
  19. Esquire - The Last Secrets of Skull & Bones
  20. Wikipedia - Edward Oxford
  21. Wikipedia - Daniel M'Naghten
  22. Wikipedia - Irish holocaust
  23. Wikipedia - Benjamin Disraeli
  24. Wikipedia - George Bentinck
  25. Wikipedia - Corn Laws
  26. Wikipedia - Maynooth Grant
  27. Wikipedia - British Relief Association
  28. Wikipedia - Highland holocaust
  29. Boston Magazine - Franklin Pierce train wreck
  30. Lincoln - IMDB
  31. Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter - IMDB
  32. Wikipedia - Mary Celeste
  33. IMDb - Gunfight at the O.K. Corral
  34. The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford (2007) - IMDB
  35. Wikipedia - National Geographic
  36. Wikipedia - Whitechapel murders
  37. Wikipedia - Port Arthur massacre, China
  38. Wikipedia - Piltdown hoax
  39. Wikipedia - Armenian holocaust
  40. Wikipedia - John Reed
  41. Wikipedia - Tutankhamen
  42. Wikipedia - Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi
  43. Wikipedia - Vladimir Lenin
  44. Wikipedia - Bath School massacre
  45. Wikipedia - Black Thursday
  46. Wikipedia - Holodomor
  47. The History Place: January 30, 1933
  48. Wikipedia - Fire of the Reichstag
  49. Wikipedia - John Dillinger
  50. Wikipedia - Hindenburg disaster
  51. Elser - IMDB
  52. Wikipedia - Johann Georg Elser - Burgerbräukeller
  53. Wikipedia - Katyn massacre
  54. Youtube - Katyn massacre
  55. Wikipedia: Plutonium
  56. Wikipedia: Pentagon
  57. History: The Pearl Harbour Attack
  58. Wikipedia - Wannsee Conference
  59. The Prestige - IMDB
  60. Wikipedia - Liberation of Auschwitz
  61. Hacksaw Ridge - IMDB
  62. Der Untergang - IMDB
  63. Wikipedia - NIA
  64. Wikipedia - ENIAC
  65. Wikipedia - King David Hotel bombing
  66. Wikipedia - Dead Sea Scrolls
  67. Wikipedia: Roswell UFO incident
  68. Wikipedia - Smith-Mundt Act
  69. Wikipedia - Sinking of HMS Truculent
  70. Wikipedia - Lavender scare
  71. A Beautiful Mind - IMDB
  72. Wikipedia - John Forbes Nash Jr.
  73. Wikipedia - Rosenberg Trial
  74. Wikipedia - Laika
  75. Wikipedia - Roger Revelle
  76. The Busby Babes
  77. The Buddy Holly Story - IMDB
  78. Wikipedia - Clutter Family (es)
  79. Bridge of Spies - IMDB
  80. Wikipedia - 1960 U-2 incident
  81. Wikipedia - Inejiro Asanuma
  82. Colonia - IMDB
  83. Wikipedia - Milgram experiment
  84. Wikipedia - Staten Island octopus hoax
  85. New York Post - Artist fools tourists with monument to giant-octopus attack on Staten Island Ferry
  86. Wikipedia: Skylab
  87. Wikipedia - In Cold Blood
  88. Wikipedia: Mururoa French nuclear weapons testing
  89. Diarios de motocicleta - IMDB
  90. Che: Part One - IMDB
  91. Che: Part Two - IMDB
  92. Wikipedia - Che Guevara
  93. Wikipedia - United Airlines Flight 266
  94. Zodiac - IMDB
  95. For All Mankind - IMDB
  96. The Theory of Everything - IMDB
  97. Wikipedia - Swissair Flight 330
  98. Wikipedia - Weather Underground
  99. Wikipedia - LANSA Flight 502
  100. Wikipedia - Jimi Hendrix
  101. Wikipedia - Marshall University plane crash
  102. Wikipedia - Stanford prison experiment
  103. Wikipedia - D.B. Cooper
  104. Wings of Hope (2000)
  105. Wikipedia - LANSA Flight 508
  106. JAT Wikipedia - Flight 367
  107. Wikipedia - Vesna Vulović
  108. Wikipedia - Invicta Flight 435
  109. Wikipedia - Norrmalmstorg robbery
  110. Wikipedia - Jimmy Hoffa
  111. Wikipedia - OPEC Siege
  112. Carlos - IMDB
  113. Wikipedia - 1976 swine flu outbreak
  114. Steve Jobs - IMDB
  115. Steve Jobs: The Man in the Machine - IMDB
  116. Wikipedia - TWA Flight 355
  117. New York Post - True story of a cops forgotten 9/11, deaths from 1976
  118. Elvis & Nixon - IMDB
  119. Wikipedia - Lynyrd Skynyrd plane crash
  120. Wikipedia - Air Indiana Flight 216
  121. Wikipedia - Sydney Hilton Hotel bombing
  122. Wikipedia - Kidnapping of Aldo Moro
  123. Wikipedia - Adolph Dubs
  124. Wikipedia - Thurman Munson
  125. Wikipedia - Iran hostage crisis
  126. Argo - IMDB
  127. Wikipedia - John Belushi
  128. Wikipedia - Dos Erres massacre
  129. De Heineken ontvoering - IMDB
  130. Kidnapping Mr. Heineken - IMDB
  131. Wikipedia - Assassination of Indira Gandhi
  132. Wikipedia - Bhopal disaster
  133. Wikipedia - Live Aid
  134. Daily Fail - Romney unveils Stars and Stripes that miraculously survived Challenger space shuttle disaster
  135. Wikipedia - Assassination of Olof Palme
  136. Wikipedia - Chernobyl disaster
  137. No - IMDB
  138. Wikipedia - Salman Rushdie
  139. Wikipedia - Hillsborough disaster
  140. Wikipedia - The Simpsons
  141. Wikipedia - Trial of Nicolae and Elena Ceausescu
  142. Wikipedia - Pale Blue Dot
  143. Wikipedia - Indian Airlines Flight 605
  144. Wikipedia - Aramoana massacre
  145. Wikipedia - Rodney King beating
  146. Wikipedia - Freddie Mercury
  147. Wikipedia - Maastricht Treaty
  148. Wikipedia - Sam Kinison
  149. Wikipedia - Rodney King riots
  150. Women in science
  151. Los tiempos de Pablo Escobar - IMDB
  152. Narcos - IMDB
  153. 153.0 153.1 The Two Escobars - IMDB
  154. Escobar: Paradise Lost - IMDB
  155. Pablo Escobar: El Patrón del Mal - IMDB
  156. El cartel de los sapos (movie) - IMDB
  157. El cartel de los sapos (series) - IMDB
  158. Liveleak - Air France Flight 8969
  159. Wikipedia - Mark Finch
  160. Wikipedia - Markale massacres
  161. Wikipedia - Port Arthur massacre, Australia
  162. Wikipedia - Tupac Shakur
  163. Wikipedia - North Hollywood shootout
  164. Wikipedia - Chris Farley
  165. Wikipedia - Family Guy
  166. Wikipedia - Stanley Kubrick
  167. Lucia de B. - IMDB
  168. Wikipedia - Lucia de Berk
  169. Wikipedia - El Chapo
  170. DailyFail - Shoe Bomber
  171. Wikipedia - Dolly
  172. The Social Network - IMDB
  173. Lo imposible - IMDB
  174. Wikipedia - YouTube
  175. Wikipedia - Rafic Hariri
  176. WikiLeaks
  177. We Steal Secrets: The Story of WikiLeaks - IMDB
  178. Wikipedia - Heath Ledger
  179. Wikipedia - Northern Illinois University shooting
  180. Wikipedia - Winnenden school shooting
  181. Wikipedia - Plane crash Nigel Farage
  182. The 33 - IMDB
  183. Zero Dark Thirty - IMDB
  184. Wikipedia - Whitney Houston
  185. 13 Hours - IMDB
  186. Wikipedia - 2012 Benghazi attack
  187. Wikipedia - Clackamas Mall shooting
  188. The Internet's Own Boy: The Story of Aaron Swartz - IMDB
  189. Wikipedia - Aaron Swartz
  190. Wikipedia - Chris Kyle
  191. Citizenfour - IMDB
  192. Caso Watson: así fue la audiencia en la que condenaron a taxistas - Semana (es)
  193. Wikipedia - Philip Seymour Hoffman
  194. Washington Post - Yoo Byung-Un ferry sinking
  195. Wikipedia - Isla Vista killings
  196. Wikipedia - Parliament Hill shooting
  197. Wikipedia - Charlie Hebdo attacks
  198. Wikipedia - TransAsia Flight 235
  199. Wikipedia - Copenhagen Cartoonist shooting
  200. Wikipedia - Russian Defence Ministry plane crash
  201. Wikipedia - Harvey Weinstein sexual abuse allegations
  202. Wikipedia - Sutherland Springs church shooting
  203. Wikipedia - Pegasus Airlines Flight 8622
  204. Wikipedia - Saratov Airlines Flight 703
  205. Wikipedia - Parkland school shooting

External links
